
pénɡ zhànɡ shuǐ ní
  • expansive cement
  1. 粉煤灰对双膨胀水泥膨胀性能的影响

    Effects of Fly Ash on Expansion of Double - expansive Cement

  2. S-激发剂对高钙粉煤灰膨胀水泥的增强机理

    Enhancement mechanism of S-activator on high calcium PFA expansive cement

  3. 应用XRD、TG-DTA和温度测量等方法,研究了低水胶比条件下普硅水泥和膨胀水泥的水化特点。

    Employing XRD , thermo-analysis and calorimetric instruments , the hydration characteristics of expansive cement and Portland cement with low W / C were studied .

  4. 由该应变测量系统评价的DPD膨胀水泥体系在大庆油田延时测井的调整井固井中,见到了明显的效果。

    The DPD expansion cement slurry system evaluated by the system exhibits remarkable effect in the adjustment well cementing of time delay logging in Daqing Oilfield .

  5. 膨胀水泥硬化浆体的后期膨胀主要依靠凝胶状AFt吸水肿胀而形成驱动力。耐盐性高吸水树脂的合成及其溶胀动力学研究

    The long-term expansion of harden expansive cement paste should mainly attribute to the water absorption of gel-alike AFt. Study on the Synthesis and Swelling Kinetics of Salt-resistant Superabsorbent Polymers

  6. 为此,在微膨胀水泥浆体系中加入JFR活化纤维,研制成微膨胀纤维水泥浆。

    Adding JFR activating fiber into mi-crodilatancy cement slurry system , microdilatancy fiber cement slurry is developed .

  7. 低热微膨胀水泥在安康工程中的应用

    Application of low heat little expansion cement in Ankang hydropower station

  8. 快硬膨胀水泥锚杆锚固机理研究

    Study on anchor mechanism of rapidhardening and swelling cement grouted bolt

  9. 钙矾石的结构变异对膨胀水泥膨胀性的影响

    Effect of Ettringite Structural Transformation on Expansive Behavior of Expansion Cement

  10. 低热微膨胀水泥应用实测资料分析

    Analysis of Measured Data on Applying Low Heat-slight Expansive Cement

  11. 微膨胀水泥稳定碎石在高等级公路基层中的应用技术研究

    Application of micro-expansion cement stabilized base material in Expressway bases

  12. 低热微膨胀水泥混凝土是一种补偿收缩混凝土。

    Concrete with low-heat and micro-expanding cement is a compensating contraction concrete .

  13. 分析了膨胀水泥净浆作为界面剂时对于试件抗剪强度的增强机理。

    Strengthen mechanism of adhesive agent - expand cement paste .

  14. 明矾石油井膨胀水泥在水热条件下水化硬化的研究

    Study on Hydration and Hardening of Alumite Oilwell Expansive Cement under Hydrothermal Conditions

  15. 陕北石油秩序在水热条件下硬化的油井膨胀水泥及其物理性能

    Oil & well expansive cement hardened under hydrothermal condition

  16. 膨胀水泥浆的抑膨胀试验方法

    Testing method for restrained expansion of expansive cement mortar

  17. 钢渣膨胀水泥的膨胀性能研究

    Study on Expansive Property of Steel Slag Expansive Cement

  18. 中低热微膨胀水泥混凝土性能试验研究

    The experimental study on performance of expansive cement concrete

  19. 粉煤灰对氧化镁微膨胀水泥膨胀性能的影响及机制

    Effect of fly ash on expansion of MgO expansive cement and its mechanism

  20. 低热微膨胀水泥混凝土自生体积变形的试验研究

    Self-Deformation Test for Concrete with Low-Heat Expansion Cement

  21. 不收缩微膨胀水泥浆研究

    Research on no-shrink & micro - expanding cement

  22. 由于稳定剂的作用,氮气形成微小气泡并稳定地存在水泥浆中,形成气体膨胀水泥浆体系。

    The cement slurry and the micro nitrogen bubbles therein form an expansion cement slurry .

  23. 氧化镁微膨胀水泥-粉煤灰胶凝材料的膨胀性能及孔结构特征

    Expansive property and pore structure characterisitics of magnesium oxide slight expansive cement-fly ash binding material

  24. 低热微膨胀水泥研究中若干哲学问题

    Some philosophical problems on the Research of Low - Heat and slight - Expansion Cement

  25. 为了防止这种收缩,研制了延迟性膨胀水泥。

    In order to prevent such shrinkage , a delayed-expansion cement was studied and produced .

  26. 氮气膨胀水泥浆防窜固井技术的研究与应用

    Research and Application of N2 Expansion Cement in the Prevention of Breakthrough of Gas During Cementing Jobs

  27. 膨胀水泥混凝土路面

    Expansive cement concrete pavement

  28. 膨胀水泥浆体系在苏丹1/2/4区块水平井固井中的应用

    Application of expanding cement slurry system in horizontal well cementing in 1 / 2 / 4 block of Sudan

  29. 本文研究粉煤灰对双膨胀水泥水化和膨胀性能的影响。

    This paper is concerned with effects of fly ash on the hydration and expansive property of double expansive cement .

  30. 膨胀水泥浆主要在终凝后发生体积膨胀,对早期气窜影响很小。

    The volume expansion of expanding cement happens after final set , which has little relation with early gas migration .