
  1. 涨壳式预应力中空锚杆的研究与应用

    Study and Application of the Expanding-shell Pre-stressed Hollow Anchor Rod

  2. 新型中空注浆锚杆在软煤岩巷道支护中的应用

    Application of new cable grouting in the roadway within soft rock

  3. 中空注浆锚杆的应用实践

    Application of Hollow Grouted Anchor Bar

  4. 为了加固松动的围岩,可通过用中空注浆锚杆对其进行支护和加固,达到改良和稳固其结构的目的。

    To strengthen loose surrounding rock , we can support and strengthen it by hollow grouting anchor so as to modify and stabilize its structure .

  5. 中空自进注浆锚杆既可加固围岩,又可堵漏防渗,降低了工程成本,提高了治理效果。

    The auto-placing hollow anchor bar can reinforce the surrounding rock , prevent leakage and decrease the cost as a result .