
  • 网络expanded perlite;Perlite of Expansion;Inflate perlite
  1. 以膨胀珍珠岩为载体的漂浮型TiO2光催化剂降解水面浮油

    Photocatalytic Degradation of Oil Film Floating on Water by TiO_2 Immobilized on Expanded Perlite

  2. TiO2/膨胀珍珠岩漂浮光催化剂的成膜和浮油降解机理

    Mechanism of Film Formation and Spilled Oil Degradation on Buoyant TiO_2 / Expanded Perlite Photocatalyst

  3. Li2O在烧结型膨胀珍珠岩釉面砖的应用

    Analysis on the contributing factors of the glaze cracks in sintering expanded pearlite glazed tile

  4. 研究结果表明:(1)通过XRD、SEM表征可知,本试验成功制备并负载了锐钛矿型TiO2;TiO2或表面活性剂均可进入到膨胀珍珠岩空隙中。

    Anatase TiO2 were prepared and loaded successfully to EP ; TiO2 or surfactant may enter into the space of expanded perlite .

  5. 对比分析了EPS保温砂浆与膨胀珍珠岩保温砂浆的性能;

    The comparison of the properties of EPS insulating mortar with that of expanded pearlite insulating mortar was made .

  6. 球形闭孔膨胀珍珠岩在GRC板中的应用

    Application of spherical expansion perlite with closed pore in GRC board

  7. 以钛酸四丁酯为原料,膨胀珍珠岩为载体,用溶胶-凝胶法制备可漂浮于水面的负载型TiO2。

    This paper introduces the preparation of floating TiO 2 photocatalyst attached to the inflating pearlite surface by sol_gel technique using tetrabutyl titanate as material .

  8. 采用溶胶-凝胶法将TiO2负载于膨胀珍珠岩材料上,制成漂浮负载型TiO2光催化剂,并被应用于亚甲基蓝和污水的光催化降解。

    The TiO_2 / EP photocatalyst was prepared and applied to the degradation of methylene blue and degradation of organism in wasted water .

  9. 介绍了球形闭孔膨胀珍珠岩在GRC板中的应用试验情况。

    The application of spherical expansion perlite with closed pore in GRC board was introduced in this paper .

  10. 膨胀珍珠岩与浆体材料形成互穿网络结构,结合紧密,然而,EPS颗粒表面与浆体材料不相容,结合界面疏松。

    The expanded perlite and paste material form interpenetrating network dense structure , however , EPS particle surface is incompatible with the paste , which will course to form a weak bonding interface .

  11. 对研发的膨胀珍珠岩衬垫进行了动态压缩试验与研究,并与EPE和EPS衬垫的缓冲特性进行了对比分析。

    The dynamic buffering property of the expanded perlite cushion developed by the author was tested , researched and contrasted with that of EPE and EPS .

  12. EPS(聚苯乙烯泡沫)保温砂浆以EPS泡沫颗粒、膨胀珍珠岩、水泥、粉煤灰、外加剂、纤维等作原材料,按一定的比例配合而成。

    EPS ( polystyrene foam ) insulation mortar is composed of particulate bubble , expanded perlite , cement , fly ash , cement , admixture , fibre and other raw materials at a certain ratio .

  13. 如图2a和2b的放大图所示,本发明中的膨胀珍珠岩是磨圆的,或者呈球形,表面光滑,大小一致。

    As shown in the photomicrographs of figs2a and2b , the expanded perlite of this invention is rounded or spherical and smooth on its surface , and is of fairly uniform size .

  14. 再以155℃的条件下炒制2h的柠檬酸渣为主要原料,掺入适量的水泥、粉煤灰、矿渣、膨胀珍珠岩制备复合砌块。

    Took the citric acid residue stir-fried at 155 ℃ for 2h as main raw materials , added with proper amount of cement , fly ash , slag and expanded perlite to prepare composite blocks .

  15. 结果表明:膨胀珍珠岩衬垫具有与EPE相同的静态缓冲规律,在一定时间内其蠕变较小。

    It was indicated that the expanded perlite cushion has the same static buffering rule by contrast with EPE , and creep is little .

  16. 根据BET法和BJH法测定了膨胀珍珠岩的比表面积、孔径分布和孔容等微观结构参数。

    In this paper , microcosmic parameters including specific surface area , pore size distribution and pore volume of expanded perlite used in water-bearing explosive has been measured by BET and BJH methods .

  17. 分析了EPS颗粒形貌、EPS粒径和级配、膨胀珍珠岩和特细砂、粘结剂品种和掺量、纤维品种和掺量、养护制度等对EPS保温砂浆性能的影响。

    The influence of granula morphology , grain size and distribution of EPS , variety and added quantity of expanded pearlite , super fine sand , binder and fiber , curing system on EPS thermal insulation mortar properties are analyzed .

  18. 膨胀珍珠岩负载型催化剂最佳加入量为400mg/40ml吡啶,该催化剂寿命长,可回收重复使用。

    The amount of catalyst coated on the EP is 400mg / 40ml . The activate life of TiO2 coated on EP is long , and TiO2 / EP can be retrieved and reused .

  19. QTC复合砌块以快硬特种水泥、粉煤灰、泡沫麻纤、膨胀珍珠岩为主要原料,具有隔声、防水、轻质墙吊挂力大、施工方便等特点,且施工简易、安装方便。

    The main raw materials of QTC composite block are fast-hardened cement , fly ash , foamed linen fiber and expansive pearlite . It has the characteristics of sound insulation , waterproof , light weight , big hanging force and easy construction and installation .

  20. 超轻型膨胀珍珠岩粉煤灰免烧保温砖研制

    Development of unfired insulating bricks from ultra-light perlite and fly ash

  21. GB/T5486.3-1985膨胀珍珠岩绝热制品试验方法密度和含水率

    Test methods for expanded perlite insulation & Density and water content

  22. 膨胀珍珠岩生产过程微机监控系统

    Compute supervision system for the production process of inflation pearlstone

  23. 膨胀珍珠岩在冷库建筑中的应用

    On Application of the expanded perlite in construction of the cool storage

  24. 膨胀珍珠岩绝热保温制品的性能分析

    Performance Analysis and Application of Adiabatic Insulation Product Made From Expanded Perlite

  25. 膨胀珍珠岩混凝土小砌块的生产技术

    Production technology of the small concrete block with expanded perlite

  26. 膨胀珍珠岩衬垫静态缓冲特性和蠕变性能研究

    Study on Static Buffering and Creep Properties of the Expanded Perlite Cushion

  27. 玻化微珠与闭孔膨胀珍珠岩的性能比较

    Performance comparison between glazed hollow bead and closed-cell expanded perlite

  28. 水泥膨胀珍珠岩砂浆的保温试验研究与应用

    Thermal insulation testing of expanded perlite mortar and its application

  29. 还与新颖的膨胀珍珠岩本身有关系。

    It also relates to the novel expanded perlite itself .

  30. 膨胀珍珠岩保温芯板在屋面保温工程中的应用

    Application of expansive pearlite baffle slab for the thermal conservation roof construction