
shān wèi
  • gamy odor;odor of a sheep/goat
  1. 美国人对不甚优美的单音节词“kids”的喜爱多过对优美的“children”的喜爱,似乎很乐意把他们的后代视为散发着膻味的小山羊(译者注:“kid”也有小山羊的意思)。

    Americans tend to prefer the ugly monosyllable ' kids ' to the rather beautiful word ' children , ' seemingly content to regard their offspring as small , smelly goats .

  2. 肌肉风味取决于风味物质的种类和含量以及肌内脂肪的性质,膻味来源于雄烯酮和粪臭素;

    Pork flavor is associated with flavoring substances and intramuscular lipids in the meat . Boar taint originates from androstenone and skatole .

  3. 利用老龄羊肉、羊头、羊骨、碎肉等副产品,开发可长期保藏的羊肉汤锅。说明了老龄羊肉的膻味成分及脱膻的具体方法。

    Nutritional properties of mutton and its developing background are discussed , the composition of mutton smell and its eliminating method are illuminated .

  4. 介绍了形成羊肉膻味的化学成分,羊肉膻味与羊肉体脂肪酸的组成的关系,最后综述了目前常用的羊肉脱膻技术。

    This article discussed the components of mutton odour , the relationship between mutton odour and component of mutton fatty acid , then outline the usual mechanism of de-muttony of mutton at present .
