
  • autonomous learning;self-regulated learning;self-directed learning
  1. 第四部分是关于基于WEB高中物理自主学习网站的建立和案例。

    The fourth part is the establishment and the case example about the website of autonomous learning .

  2. 给出了基于动态模糊逻辑(DFL)的Agent自主学习模型。

    An Agent autonomous learning model is given .

  3. 人们可以报名参加这所大学语言培训机构的自主学习课程。

    Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university 's language institute .

  4. 同时,阅读又是一种自主学习、自我提高的过程。

    Reading is meantime a process of self-study and self-improvement .

  5. 基于网络环境下的自主学习对学生来说,是一种全新的学习方式。

    To learn autonomously in the network environment is totally new to students .

  6. 第三部分是基于WEB的自主学习的教学设计部分。

    The third part is the instruction design part .

  7. MI理论与远程自主学习环境构建

    MI Theory and the Construction of Self-regulated Learning Environment in Open Education

  8. 阐述了采取C语言学用结合的方法培养学生自主学习能力,学用结合设计程序的过程,以及程序设计过程中资料搜集的重要性。

    This paper introduces the importance of studying by oneself , it takes the method of studying and using C language to develop the ability of studying by oneself , the procedure of studying and using program designing and the importance of data collecting .

  9. 调查通过问卷和访谈的形式进行,所使用的问卷是采用VictoriaChan,MarySprattandGillianHumphreys(2002)的自主学习问卷模板,访谈是围绕问卷结果进行设计的。

    The study was carried out through a questionnaire designed by Victoria Chan , Mary Spratt and Gillian Humphreys ( 2002 ) and semi-structured interviews .

  10. Wenden(1985)认为促进学生自主学习的关键是培养学生的学习策略,而学习策略的关键是元认知策略。

    While students focusing on metacognitive strategy training are not too much . Wenden ( 1985 ) considers that learning strategy is the key to foster learners ' autonomy while metacognition is the key to learning strategy .

  11. 语音教学与大学英语听说自主学习成绩的关系

    Phonological Teaching and College English Listening and Speaking Autonomous Learning Scores

  12. 远程开放教育自主学习方式的探讨

    Under the long-distance opening education the independent study way searches discusses

  13. 少数民族大学生英语自主学习探析

    On Autonomy in College English Learning of Students of Minority Nationalities

  14. 英语自主学习能力与成绩关系的调查研究

    A Survey on Relationship between English Self-regulated Learning Abilities and Achievements

  15. 日语专业自主学习中教师角色的研究

    A Survey of Teachers ' Role in Japanese Major Automatic Study

  16. 自主学习是一种主动学习、独立学习、自控学习。

    Autonomous learning is active learning and independent learning , automatic learning .

  17. 学校要帮助学生培养自主学习能力。

    The institution should help students to cultivate the autonomous learning competence .

  18. 导是指教师对学生自主学习的引导、指导、辅导和督导;

    Guidance refers to the tutors'guiding , instructing , coaching and supervising .

  19. 自主学习模式注重体现学生的自觉性与主动性,张扬学生的学习自主性;

    " Independent Study " mode emphasizes students ' consciousness and initiative .

  20. 目前,大学生英语自主学习能力普遍较低。

    The college students ' ability of self-regulated English learning is poor .

  21. 少数民族预科学生汉语自主学习能力浅析

    The Research of Mandarin Self-learning Ability of the Minority Nationality Preparatory Students

  22. 校园英语自主学习网站建设构想

    Conception on the development of the English voluntary-study campus website

  23. 谈大学英语课堂中自主学习的教学

    On the Teaching of Independent Learning in College English Classroom

  24. 《工程制图》自主学习课件的设计

    The Design of Independent Learning Courseware Project of Engineering Drawing

  25. 网上自主学习在高校教学改革中应用研究

    Studying on the Application of Initiative Online Self-teaching in Higher Education Reform

  26. 第二部分:影响自主学习的因素分析。

    Second part : the influencing factor analysis of the independent study .

  27. 大学生外语自主学习能力研究

    College Students ' Autonomous Learning Ability to Foreign Language Learning

  28. 大学英语自主学习听力课的听力理解策略研究

    A Study of Listening Comprehension Strategies in College English Autonomous Listening Classes

  29. 现在的社会环境使我们不得不面对这些问题,改变这种依赖性,这足以看出培养自主学习能力的重要性。

    In current social environment , we have to face these problems .

  30. 培养他们自主学习能力的教学策略。

    Raises their independent learning capability the teaching strategy .