
  • 网络Automatic level;compensator level
  1. 自动安平水准仪与高等级水准测量和变形监测

    Automatic level and high-grade level survey as well as deformation monitoring

  2. 论自动安平水准仪补偿作用的工作模式

    On the Working Mode of the Compensating Function of an Automatic Level

  3. 分析了Ni007及Ni1二个型号自动安平水准仪的实例,导出了上述仪器总补偿量的计算公式及实现自动安平的几何条件。

    Through analysing two types of automatic levels Ni-007 and Ni-1 , the author derived a formula respectively for computing the total amount of compensation and the geometrical condition of realizing the automatic levelling .

  4. 自动安平水准仪磁致误差函数模型与数据分析

    Magnetic error function model of self adjusting level and data analysis

  5. 自动安平水准仪受地磁影响的野外试验

    A field test for the geomagnetic effect on self-adjusting levels

  6. 自动安平水准仪补偿范围与i角的检测

    Scope of Compensation of Automatically Anping Level and the Detection of I Angle

  7. 自动安平水准仪的安平误差及补偿误差

    An Introduction to the Levelled Error and Compensating Error of an Automatic Leveller

  8. 轴承摆自动安平水准仪误差分析和检校方法的探讨

    Analysis of errors and study of checking and adjusting methods about bearing pendulum level

  9. 自动安平水准仪检定方法的探讨

    Discussion on the examination of the automatic level

  10. 自动安平水准仪的结构分析与维护方法

    Construction Analysis and Safeguard of Automatic Level

  11. 利用物理摆原理导出了自动安平水准仪磁致误差的理论函数模型,建立了地磁场中的观测方程。

    Based on the theory of horizontal pendulum , the theoretical function model of magnetic error of self adjusting level is deriveted , and observation equation in geomagnetic field is set up .

  12. 用光学传递函数的方法对自动安平水准仪光学系统的像质进行了评价,推导了用于像质评价的函数表达式,并得出了调制传递函数随空间频率变化的曲线图。

    By means of OTF , evaluation of the automatic level is made , the functional expression of OTF is derived and the diagram showing how MTF changes with space frequency is gained .

  13. 本文在论述轴承摆补偿器位于调焦镜之前安平原理的基础上,对该类型自动安平水准仪的误差作了系统的理论分析;

    In this paper on the basis of introducing the leveling principle of a pendulum leveling instrument with a micro-bearing compensating device placed before the focusing lens , the errors of automatic leveling of this type are analysed in theory ;

  14. 随着对自动安平水准仪的精度要求不断提高,结构简单、误差环节少的外调焦方式又重新被认识和研究。

    To meet the requirments of precision about automatic levels , the form of external focussing by means of moving the objective or cross hair of the telescope , having simple constitution and lesser factors of error , has been known and studied again .