
  • 网络automatic lock;AUTO LOCK;autolock
  1. 自动锁纸功能,用多少拉多少。

    With automatic lock function , pull at will .

  2. 液压系统的设计避免了在举升过程中后板自动回落,机械式自动锁紧装置提高了机构可靠性。

    The design of this hydraulic system avoids automatic dropping of backboard in the process of lifting , and the mechanical device of automatic lock system improved reliability of mechanism .

  3. 这门会自动锁上。

    The door locks automatically .

  4. 为藉助技术解决这一问题,一家日本手机公司于去年推出了一款安卓(Android)手机,若用户在走路时试图使用手机,手机就会自动锁屏。

    Attempting a technological fix , a conscientious Japanese phone company last year began offering Android handsets that lock themselves if users attempt to use them while walking .

  5. 自动锁圆头钮孔缝纫机电火花小孔内圆磨床

    Automatic eye sewing machine small hole electrical discharge internal grinding machine

  6. 白濠尾提升闸门自动锁锭装置的设计

    Design of Automatica Lock Spindle Device of Bai-hao-wei Promoting Gate

  7. 用传统的儿童座椅,后座安全带接口会自动锁牢。

    The rear belts had automatic locking for use on conventional restraints .

  8. 大卫,门窗都会自动锁好

    David , when we leave , the doors will go smart ...

  9. 单头全自动锁盖机的研究

    Study of a Fully Automatic Capping Machine of Single Head

  10. 设计合理,能够依靠自身重力自动锁紧缆绳;

    Reasonable design-it can tighten the mooring ropes automatically by its self-weight ;

  11. 磁悬浮飞轮自动锁紧系统的研制

    Development of Automatic Locking System for Magnetic Bearing Flywheel

  12. 自动锁紧方式液压制动器的优化设计

    Optimizing Design oF High Speed Self-locked Hydraulic Braking Set

  13. 该方法支持多粒度锁、动加锁特性和自动锁粒度升级特性。

    This method supports multiple granularity lock , automatic lock and automatic lock escalation .

  14. 除了使用密码之外,还应开启自动锁屏功能,让手机待机几分钟后就自动锁屏。

    In conjunction with the passcode , enable the screen lock feature after a few minutes of inactivity .

  15. 自动锁圆头钮孔缝纫机

    Automatic eye sewing machine

  16. 一旦我把它放在有黑色纹身的地方,它就又自动锁上了。

    Once I put it back on the area that is tattooed with black ink the watch would automatically lock again .

  17. 本文对单头全自动锁盖机进行了全面的研究。

    The inhibition of strain ANTI-8098A against strain F. Extensive studies on a fully automatic capping machine of single head are described .

  18. 介绍了白濠尾自动锁锭装置的工作原理、设计条件、设计材料、单价分析,提出锁锭装置的推广性和实用性。

    It has introduced the operation principle , design condition , design materials , unit price analysis of the bai-hao-wei lock automatic spindle device , and proposed its popularization and practicability .

  19. 用了。我的手上没有纹身,手表就一直处于开启状态。一旦我把它放在有黑色纹身的地方,它就又自动锁上了。”

    and it worked . My hand isn 't tattooed and the Watch stayed unlocked . Once I put it back on the area that is tattooed with black ink the watch would automatically lock again . "

  20. 不但能直接测试数据显示,而且能自动锁存测量结果,还可通过串口卡实现微机的联网要求。

    It can not only directly display testing data , but also automatic chain up and save testing result . At the same time , it can realize the function of contacting the network through serial port .

  21. 有很多语言,比如Java和Ada95,都有内置的可以自动处理锁维护(并使结果有可能更正确)的语言结构。

    Many languages , such as Java and Ada95 , have built-in language constructs that will automatically handle this & and make the results more likely to be correct .

  22. 如果有异常发生,线程自动释放锁。

    If an exception occurs , the thread automatically releases the lock .

  23. 一种火炮自动卡锁装置设计分析

    Designing a Locker Device of an Automatic Gun Mechanism

  24. 闹钟,计算器,日程表,备忘录,世界时钟,自动键盘锁。

    ALARM , Calculator , Calender , Memo , Wold clock , Keyboard lock .

  25. 定量研究了空投系统某型自动脱离锁在较大地面风速条件下的成功脱离概率。

    The probability that a parachute ground release system works successfully under different ground wind conditions is quantitatively analyzed .

  26. 机械设计-自动充填锁盖机特殊规格请与本公司商谈,本公司将提供您最适当之计划。

    For special specification , please discuss with us , and we will provide you with the most proper design .

  27. 如果您需要在一个进程内部对线程使用很多锁,那么可以考虑使用自动完成锁的维护的语言或者语言结构。

    If you need many locks for threads inside a process , consider using a language and language constructs that automatically do a lot of lock maintenance .

  28. 针对大、中口径火炮自动机的工作特点,设计了一种自动卡锁装置,该装置可锁定自动机动力机构的运动,也能够在较小的解锁力作用下自动解锁,释放动力机构。

    According to the operating features of large and medium caliber gun automatic mechanism , a reliable automatic locking device was designed , which can lock dynamic system movement of automatic mechanism , and also automatic unlock under a small unlocked force , release dynamic structure .

  29. 目的:验证自动加压带锁髓内钉(ALN)的生物力学性能比GK钉治疗股骨干骨折的优越性,为临床提供可靠的科学依据。

    To verify the biomechanic performance of auto-compress locking nail ( ALN ) in femoral shaft fracture therapy , to provide reliable basis for clinical use .

  30. 自动变速器锁止离合器的电子控制

    Electronic Control of Automatic Transmission 's lock-up Clutch