
  1. 中国商务部本月出台新的境外投资管理办法,它不再对所有单笔1亿美元以上的对外投资进行审批,尽管它仍要求所有交易备案,而大多数交易仍需获得其他机构的批准。

    The ministry of commerce this month adopted new measures that mean it no longer approves every single outbound investment deal over $ 100m , although it still requires all deals to be registered and approvals from other agencies are needed for most deals .

  2. 随着《全国社保基金境外投资管理暂行办法》的即将出台,社保基金将要进行海外投资。

    With the implementation of " Management methods of country 's social insurance funds investing overseas ", social insurance fund will be invested overseas .