
  • 网络The narcissist;narcissism
  1. 很有可能你在应对的是一位自恋者。

    It 's highly likely you 're dealing with a narcissist .

  2. 不要让自己一直陷入讨好自恋者的困境中。

    Don 't get caught in the trap of always trying to please a narcissist .

  3. 由斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校和圣塔克拉拉大学的研究员进行的一项研究显示,自恋者在CEO行业里做得更出色。

    Narcissists also seem to make better CEOs according to a study led by researchers from Stanford , UC Berkeley , and Santa Clara University .

  4. 他描述的若干著名自恋者,包括兰斯·阿姆斯特朗(LanceArmstrong)在内,他们的家庭生活都历过“多次婚姻失败、极度贫困,以及身体和情感暴力”。

    The family lives of several famous narcissists he describes , Lance Armstrong among them , are earmarked by " multiple failed marriages , extreme poverty and an atmosphere of physical and emotional violence . "

  5. 品斯基是南加州大学Keck医学院精神病学临床副教授,他说,自恋者渴望被注意、过于自信,他们行为变化无常而且缺乏同情心。

    Pinsky , an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at USC 's Keck School of Medicine , said narcissists crave attention , are overconfident , behave erratically and lack empathy .

  6. 心理学家们称之为边界个性、自恋者等等。

    Psychologists categorize them as borderline personalities , narcissists , etc. , etc.

  7. 自恋者不是非这个世界上的人类。

    Narcissists are not some out of the world people .

  8. 对付这些自恋者也不会给你的事业带来什么负面影响。

    Handling narcissists in professional life must not take a toll on your career .

  9. 自恋者不只是对自己有吸引力。

    Narcissists aren 't just attractive to themselves .

  10. 你将会能应对任何恰好来到你面前的自恋者。

    You 'll be able to handle any narcissist who happens to cross your path .

  11. 相反,自恋者会告诉你他们没有什么要改变。

    Narcissists , on the other hand , will tell you they have nothing to change .

  12. 从而不得不承认学校成了造就自恋者的场所。

    As a result , we have to admit that schools are places to train narcissists .

  13. 对付自恋者的第一个个方法就是按照他们希望你的方式去做。

    The first way of dealing with narcissists is to behave as they want you to .

  14. 不要把自恋者想象的那么邪恶或者他们想要伤害你。

    Don 't assume narcissist people to be evil or someone who is there to hurt you .

  15. 当自恋者自我膨胀的观点受到他人质疑时,他可能就会变得咄咄逼人、愤恨不满。

    When a narcissist 's self-inflated viewpoint is challenged , a person can become aggressive and resentful .

  16. 而老板是个无可救药的自恋者,凡事都必然要抢占风头。

    and the boss , a hopeless narcissist who inevitably made himself the focus of every task .

  17. 要应对自恋者,一个有帮助的方法是了解他们一般会在某个程度上十分憎恶自己。

    To deal with narcissists , it helps to understand that they generally detest themselves at some level .

  18. 但自恋者通常会在建立亲密关系方面存在问题,他们适合管理公司。

    But while narcissists often have problems in intimate relationships , they are well suited to running companies .

  19. 如果你发现自己处于一位自恋者的控制下,试着给一剂”自我增强“。

    If you find yourself in a narcissist 's power , try delivering a dose of ego reinforcement .

  20. 在自恋者管理的公司里,人员流动很快;婚姻中一方是自恋者的,离婚率也很高。

    Employee turnover in companies run by narcissists and divorce rates in people married to them are high .

  21. 如果回答中有三个或三个以上“是”,那么该自恋者的行为已经到了影响你情绪自由的地步。

    Responding " yes " to three or more questions suggests that a narcissist is violating your emotional freedom .

  22. 在他们的这项由两部分组成的研究当中,自恋者在模拟求职面试中的得分比资质相当的不自恋者高得多。

    In their two-part study , narcissists scored much higher in a simulated job interview than equally qualified non-narcissists .

  23. 自恋者的目标就是总要呆在过山车的高点。

    The narcissist 's objective is to stay at the high points of the roller coaster all the time .

  24. 另一类人,就是自恋者自己——因为这类人的典型特点就是深信自己非常有魅力。

    and narcissists themselves - because believing that they are very attractive is a key symptom of their character .

  25. 一旦你感到为了抵挡自恋者的愤怒而如履薄冰时,停下。

    As soon as you feel that crazy sense of walking on eggshells , fending off narcissistic rage , stop .

  26. 哈慕斯说,研究结果还显示,面试考官需要留心自恋者运用的策略。

    The findings also suggest that interviewers need to be aware of the tactics used by narcissists , Harms said .

  27. 自恋者通过反思自身行为或培养对他人的同情心,可以改进自己的行为举止。

    People who exhibit narcissistic traits can improve their behaviour by reflecting upon their own actions or practicing compassion for others .

  28. 如果你进入了主宰的角色,自恋者们就会进入”被主宰“类别,甚至连原因也不知道。

    If you take the dominant role , narcissists will fall into the " dominated " category without even understanding why .

  29. 如果你的配偶是一名压抑的自恋者,你该掌握一些父母从来没对你施加过的教养方法。

    If you have a withholding narcissist spouse , beware of trying to win the nurturing you never got from your parents ;

  30. 他们能够吸引和启发追随者,会成为出色的导师和领袖&这就是为什么有那么多老板都是自恋者。

    They can attract and inspire followers and be terrific mentors and leaders & which is why so many bosses are narcissists .