
zì zhì quán
  • autonomy;power of autonomy;self-governing power
  1. 他补充称,瑞银(UBS)等其它投行将赋予其私人银行部门更多自治权。

    Other banks , such as UBS , are giving more autonomy to their private banking sectors , he adds .

  2. 在1803年的巴黎,拿破仑・波拿马(NapoleonBonaparte)协调双方政治家并恢复瑞士自治权及将19个州结合成一个联盟。

    In Paris in1803 , Napoleon Bonaparte organised a mediation for the Swiss politicians from both sides which restored Swiss autonomy and introduced a Confederation of19 Cantons .

  3. 各加盟共和国开始要求获得自治权。

    The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves .

  4. 这个协议规定该地区享有有限的自治权。

    The agreement gives the territory limited self-rule .

  5. 波多黎各尽管自称共和国,但实际上是有自治权的美国殖民地。

    Puerto Rico , though it calls itself a Commonwealth , is really a self-governing American colony .

  6. 他们要求自治权。

    They demand the right to govern themselves .

  7. 那个岛是个殖民地,然而在大多数问题上它享有自治权,可以不接受宗主国的命令。

    This island is a colony ; however , in most matters , it is autonomous and receives no orders from the mother country .

  8. CEPA的法律基础主要涉及国内法、国际法有关香港高度自治权的规定与WTO区域经济一体化例外规则。

    The legal grounds for the CEPA involve relevant provisions in Chinese domestic laws and international laws and the WTO rules on regional economic integration exceptions .

  9. ADR方式降低了争议解决过程中的对抗性,赋予当事人尽可能多的意思自治权,使当事人能够在较为平和的氛围下解决争议。

    ADR has reduced dispute resolving antagonism in process , has given much more meaning autonomy to interested parties , and has made interested parties be able to resolve dispute under comparatively gentle atmosphere .

  10. 远离西南海岸线的Aland群岛为芬兰所统治,但是拥有广泛的自治权。

    The Å land Islands , off the southwestern coast , are under Finnish sovereignty while enjoying extensive autonomy .

  11. Tandon曾经担任印度科学院的院长,他指出:“全印度医学科学院基本不受政府政策干涉的自治权,长久以来没有得到实现”。

    " The autonomy that was envisaged for AIIMS , with minimal government intervention in policy , has long been shelved ," notes Tandon , who is a former president of the Indian National Science Academy .

  12. 一些大学是私立的,中级之后的院校拥有学院自治权。

    Some universities are private . Post-secondary institutions have academic autonomy .

  13. 然后他给予每个部门经理几乎完全的自治权。

    Then he gives managers at each division almost complete autonomy .

  14. 民族区域自治权的宪政解读

    Unscrambling on the Autonomy of Ethnic Region Based on the Constitutionalism

  15. 放活基层政府,给农村社会自治权。

    Free grassroots government , endowing rural society autonomy right .

  16. 论村民自治权规范体系之完善

    Improving the Norm System of the Right of Villager Autonomy

  17. 有些地区虽已取得自治权,但为掌握控制权仍在战斗。

    Some regions are already autonomous but are fighting to retain control .

  18. 法治县应以一定自治权为基础

    Governing Counties by Law Should Be Based on the Right to Autonomy

  19. 我国体育行业协会及其自治权的经济法分析

    Economic Law Analysis on Sports Trade Association and Its Autonomy in China

  20. 巴尔米拉曾是罗马帝国统治下的一个享有自治权的城市。

    Palmyra had been a semi-independent city state influenced by Roman rule .

  21. 这些措施将在重要领域赋予该市更大的自治权。

    The measures will grant the city greater autonomy in important areas .

  22. 政府给予这个地区有限的自治权

    The government has granted the region a limited autonomy

  23. 村民自治权救济机制的缺失与完善

    The Loss and Perfection of the Legal Relief Mechanism of the Villager Autonomy

  24. 村民自治权与行政权

    The Villager 's Autonomy Rights and the Administrative Rights

  25. 论自治权的法理基础

    Basis of Legal Principle of the Power of Autonomy

  26. 重构村民自治权运行框架的尝试

    Reconstructing Operating System of Villagers ' Right of Autonomy

  27. 第三章:村民自治权公法规制的路径。

    Chapter III : Ways of Public Law in regulating the villager autonomy .

  28. 第一章:村民自治权公法规制概述。

    Chapter I : Overview of Public Law in regulating villagers ' autonomy .

  29. 论文第一部分,高校自治权做了简要概述。

    The first part of the university autonomy to do a brief overview .

  30. 1973年,巴布亚新几内亚脱离澳大利亚获得自治权。

    Papua New Guinea gains self government from Australia .