
  • 网络Spontaneous regression;Nature fadeaway;Extinction
  1. 后面的两种结果,惩罚和自然消退,对接受的员工产生负面影响:重复导致不希望结果的行为的激励减低。

    The last two consequences , punishment and extinction , are negative outcomes for the person receiving them : motivation to repeat the behavior that led to the undesirable results will be reduced .

  2. 长期应用环孢霉素A治疗银屑病引起EB病毒性淋巴增生性疾病自然消退1例

    Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disease after long - standing cyclosporine therapy for psoriasis : A case of spontaneous regression

  3. 结论:细胞凋亡为角化棘皮瘤的典型生物学特征,可能在KA的自然消退中发挥重要作用。

    Conclusion It is suggested that cell apoptosis be a biologic characteristic of KA and may play an important role in spontaneous regression of KA .

  4. 提示细胞调亡与BCC的生长缓慢及极少转移的临床特点有关,并且可能在BCC的自然消退中发挥重要的作用。

    It suggests that apoptosis may play an important role in the slow groWth , rare metastasis and spontaneous regression of BCC .

  5. 目前还有许多问题未能得到解答,尚需更多的病例报告以阐明MCC自然消退的机制。

    At this point , many questions still remain unanswered and additional case reports are necessary to shed light on the mechanisms of spontaneous regression of MCC .

  6. 经体外传代后移植瘤成活率100%,潜伏期7~10d,无自然消退,无转移。

    After cultured in vitro , the tumorigenesis ratio increased to 100 % , the latency period ranged from 7 to 10 day , metastasis and spontaneous regression were not observed .

  7. 结论1.HOI的生长和消退是一个多因素参与的连续性过程,IGF-Ⅱ可能在HOI的自然消退过程中起主要的调控作用。

    Conclusions : 1 . Proliferating and involuting of HOI was a continuous process , in which multiple factors participated and IGF - ⅱ may play a main role in the spontaneous involuting of HOI .

  8. 本瘤株的生物学特性是,在T(739)系小鼠中移植成功率及自发性肺脏转移率均可达到100%,而无自然消退。

    The transplantation rate and spontaneous metastasis rate to lung were 100 % .

  9. 结论肥大细胞可能与血管瘤组织纤维变性及导致血管瘤自然消退有关。

    Conclusions Mast cells may accelerate regression of hemangiomas .

  10. 平滑肌细胞凋亡在自然消退动脉粥样硬化中作用的实验研究

    Experimental study on apoptosis of aortic smooth muscle cells with spontaneous regression of atherosclerosis

  11. 移植成功率为100%,无自然消退现象;

    The transplantation was 100 % successful and there was no natural fadeaway phenomenon .

  12. 妊高征临床特点为当胎盘娩出后,临床症状和体征多自然消退。

    PIH can spontaneously relieve its symptoms and signs after the delivery of placenta .

  13. 目的探讨班玛县大骨节病自然消退规律及相关因素。

    Objective To explore natural decreased regularity and correlated factors about Kaschin-Beck Disease ( KBD ) .

  14. 有要使用的值当然是好的,没有价值的自然消退!

    There is value to be used of course is good , no value naturally fades in !

  15. 这粒丘疹满含细菌,可以持续3至6个月,之后自然消退。

    This papule is full of the organisms and may persist for3-6 months followed by natural healing .

  16. 其临床特点为当胎盘娩出后,临床症状和体征多自然消退。这一临床特点表明胎盘在妊高征的发病中起着重要作用。

    It is characterized by the spontaneous relieve of its symptoms and signs after the delivery of placenta .

  17. 尽管一些病例中这种疾病可自然消退,但也通常需要两年时间由其自身消解。

    Although there have been cases where it went away on its own , it usually took up to two years to resolve itself .

  18. 作者主张尽早采取有效治疗,不宜盲目等待自然消退。

    Therefore , it is necessary to adopt an effective therapy in the earlier stage . It is not advocated to wait for spontaneous involution .

  19. 方法1999年2月~2000年9月,在门诊保守治疗的患者中发现5例颈椎间盘突出自然消退的现象。

    Methods 5 patients of cervical disc herniation regression were observed among patients who received conservative treatment the clinic . Every patient received 2 to 3 times of MRI check .

  20. 结果治疗后中药组实验兔血清总胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇均显著低于自然消退组(P<0.05或P<0.01);

    Results : Compared with the natural regression group , total cholesterol ( TC ) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol ( LDL-C ) in Chinese medicine group were significantly lower ( P < 0.05 and 0.01 , respectively ) .

  21. 方法23只兔给予球囊损伤腹主动脉加高脂饲料喂养,12周末20只造模兔随机分为自然消退组和中药组,每组10只。

    Methods : Twenty-three rabbits with balloon-induced abdominal aortic wall injury were fed with high fat diet . At the end of 12th week , 20 of them were divided randomly into a natural regression group and a Chinese medicine group , 10 for each group .

  22. 结果490例患者中,457例雀斑患者经1~3次治疗后均痊愈,约15%的患者治疗后出现暂时性色素沉着或色素减退,1~6个月自然消退。

    Results All of the 457 freckles in 490 patients were cured after 1-3 times treatments . The skin reaction to the laser irradiation is slight . About 15 % of the patients showed transient hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation , which could disappear spontaneously after 1-6 months .

  23. 由于传统的自然经济的消退与市场经济的确立,生产方式的变化引起了人们思想观念和价值观体系的变化。

    The traditional natural economy the retreat and a market economy , changes in production , the concepts and values system changes .

  24. 本文通过对自然条件下污染消退过程的探讨,揭示了水污染事件危害的长期性。

    The paper discusses the pollution vanishing course under the natural condition and shows a protracted nature of the water pollution harm .