
  1. 不少监狱、劳改场所都有由罪犯组织的艺术团,自编自演文艺节目。

    Many prisons and reform-through-labour institutions have organized performing troupes made up of prisoners , who give performances produced by the criminals themselves .

  2. 40年代自编自演的独舞《牧马》,成功地塑造了性格豪迈,马术高超的牧人形象。

    The solo dance " Herding Horses " choreographed and performed by Jia himself in the1940s successfully presented to us a broad-minded herdsman good at riding .

  3. 在她40年代的作品中,自编自演的独舞&《瑶人鼓舞》、《哑子背疯》等颇具影响。

    In the1940s , she herself produced and performed solo dances such as " yao drum " and " the dumb shouldering a lunatic ", which exerted a tremendous influence .

  4. 她自编、自演、自唱、自己制片的《我的爱人就是你》使她获得了金马奖的优秀演员奖。

    She wrote , in1997 , from singing their own producer of " My wife is you ," she was a Golden Horse Award for outstanding actor .

  5. 多兰是来自加拿大魁北克的电影制作人。2009年,刚满20岁的他就在戛纳电影节上展播了自己自编自导自演的作品《我杀了我妈妈》。

    The Quebecois filmmaker had just turned 20 when he presented his first directorial effort , I Killed My Mother , at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival .

  6. 为了重拾往昔的荣耀,这位高傲的演员打算自编自导自演一场舞台剧来证明自己的表演实力。

    The egotistical actor struggles to regain his former glory and to prove himself as a real performing artist by writing , directing and starring in a theater play .

  7. 二十年后,人到中年的汤姆森已经完全被粉丝遗忘。为了重拾往昔的荣耀,这位高傲的演员打算自编自导自演一场舞台剧来证明自己的表演实力。

    After two decades , the middle aged Thomson has almost been forgotten by fans . The egotistical actor struggles to regain his former glory and to prove himself as a real performing artist by writing , directing and starring in a theater play .

  8. 尽管这位痴情的男子在当地一个购物中心广场拉起了巨幅的表白标语,并自编自唱自演向这位叫“木木”的女孩表白,但最终还是遭到了拒绝。

    The lovestruck man was struck down by his crush , named as " Mumu , " despite his display of affection at a local shopping mall that involved singing , dancing and giant custom-made banners .

  9. Barbra是第一位在好莱坞主流电影Yentl中自编、自导、自演的女性。

    She was the first woman to write , produce , direct , and star in a mainstream Hollywood film : Yentl .

  10. 本文是关于贵州省雷山县一部由当地苗族自编、自导、自演的苗语电视剧的调研报告。

    In Leishan county of Guizhou , local Miao people write , direct and play a TV play about their own life .