
mó fǎnɡ xínɡ wéi
  • epigonism;imitative behaviour
  1. 本文重点考察在模仿行为的威胁下,跨国公司如何在出口、许可证和FDI三种技术转移方式中选择,以及如何选择欲转移的技术水平。

    This paper observes multinational companies how to choose the best mode of technology transfer among export , licensing and FDI and technology level under the threats of host companies ' imitation .

  2. 其主要创新之处在于使用主体仿真建模的方法,在少数派博弈模型中引入了投资者的模仿行为,使用RePast平台予以实现并进行了分析研究。

    The creativity of this paper is to simulate the imitation behavior based on MG model using agent-based modeling method , and implement and analyze it with the RePast simulation toolkit .

  3. 模仿行为与跨国公司在华研发机构的区位选择

    Imitative behaviors and foreign R & D site location in China

  4. 模仿行为是人类的基本行为,是人的一种自然倾向。

    Mimesis is a basic behavior and natural tendency of human beings .

  5. 对于语言发展来说,不同的模仿行为所具有的作用是有差别的。

    The virtues exerted by different imitation behaviors are varied for language development .

  6. 模仿行为经济学分析&对经济波动的一种新解释

    An Analysis of Imitation Economics

  7. 模因论认为,任何一种行为或现象只要能够通过广义上的模仿行为得到传播,它就是模因。

    In Memetics , meme is any act or phenomenon which is broadly spread through the imitation of behavior .

  8. 研究显示,有分寸的模仿行为可以作为一项“万能的社交准则”应用在社交场所中,以此博得彼此的信任。

    Studies have shown that gentle imitation usually acts as a'social glue'in human relationships , fostering rapport and trust .

  9. 技术扩散和模仿行为这两个因素使得信息技术融合对供应链和产业都有很重要的意义。

    Technology diffusion and imitation , these two factors make the information technology integration significant for supply chain and industry .

  10. 结果出来后显示,独立思考和模仿行为都起作用。

    The results showed that both independent thinking and copying behaviour play a role , reinforcing conclusions reached by conventional survey methods .

  11. 具体给儿童呈现了一个假装行为和一个模仿行为,考察儿童能否根据他人的知识状态成功辨别这两种高度相似的动作以及能否利用知识状态来推断假装者的心理表征。

    We present a pretending action and a copy action and ask children to recognize them according to others ' knowledge state .

  12. 由于高科技产业的高风险与不确定性特点,使得模仿行为广泛作用于信息产业内部的企业之间和信息产业与其他产业之间,从而导致信息产业内部与外部产业融合过程的扩散与传播。

    On information era , convergence comes forth widely among the department of information technology industry and among information industry and other industry .

  13. 科学家们怀疑,正是狼的这种模仿行为奠定了人驯化狗的基础。

    The scientists suspect that it 's this behavior in wolves that formed the basis for the original social understanding between dogs and humans .

  14. 这听起来像是个老掉牙的泡妞烂招,但或许这就是有关酒精模仿行为的一个切实的生物学基础。

    It sounds like a bad pickup line , but there may be an actual biological basis for this kind of alcohol copycat behavior .

  15. 随着时间增长,这种模仿行为会形成对书中内容高层次的概念和理解,最后他们会开始记忆你阅读的内容。

    Over time , this mimicking behavior turns into higher-order concepts and understandings about the content of the books being read and eventually memory reading .

  16. 雄性同性爬背发生前的行为中以玩耍行为(47.62%)和3种不同姿势的邀配模仿行为(42.85%)为主;

    The result showed that 47.62 % of the male homosexual mounting occurs while playing and 42.85 % of them occur in the forms of three different imitated solicitations .

  17. 模仿行为将影响顾客是否决定购买产品;通过一些简单的手势以及适度模仿,你就能成为一名销售员。

    Well , apparently those simple gestures and mimicry could get you a job as a salesperson because of how mimicked behavior influences a person 's decision to buy something .

  18. 然而,从《中国青年报》的一篇文章来看,在产品和营销上的这种明显模仿行为,是中国医药行业薄弱的表现。

    This clear mimicry in both product and marketing is an indication , however , of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry 's weakness , according to an article in China Youth Daily .

  19. 看来,东西方雕塑家在其作品中关于点、线、面的运用是十分广泛并有目共睹的,这就像是一种表现方式而绝对不是一种模仿行为一样应进入每个雕塑家的创作意识之中。

    From this , it is wide and common that both Eastern and Western sculptors adopt dots , lines and surfaces in their works . This looks like a manifestation rather than imitation .

  20. 然而新类型的商业混同行为,如不正当模仿行为、反向假冒商标行为以及商标与企业名称的混同行为等却因为法无明文规定而得不到有力的规制。

    However , the law regulation is weak against new types of commercial misappropriation such as unfair imitation , reverse passing-off or misappropriation of trademark or company names for lack of express provision .

  21. 这两起袭击由两名女性实施,促使纽约市,华盛顿特区,波士顿,芝加哥和美国其他城市临时加强安全戒备,防止盲目的模仿行为。

    The attacks , carried out by two women , have red transit officials in New York City , Washington D.C. , Boston , Chicago and other U.S. cities to temporarily tighten security to copycats .

  22. 小孩两岁半左右就渐渐不再有运动神经模仿行为,那时他们会意识到别人的痛苦与自己的不同,会更有能力安慰别人。

    Motor mimicry fades from toddlers'repertoire at around two and a half years , at which point they realize that someone else 's pain is different from their own , and are better able to comfort them .

  23. 企业间资源的差异性及市场的不完全性限制了竞争者的模仿行为,价值模式和成本结构的创新成果才能得以持续,并使企业从中长期获取价值。

    The differences on resource and the non-completeness market limited competitor 's imitation behavior , so the innovation of the value pattern and the cost structure achievement can be able to continue , and then the enterprise could gain the value for a long time .

  24. 为了模仿该行为,固定Feed中的结果操作将它们的输出分别设置为pipesout1和pipesout2。

    To mimic that behavior , the results actions in the fixed feeds have their outputs set to pipesout_1 and pipesout_2 , respectively .

  25. 作者通过研究经济波动的RBC理论,来分析与之联系甚密的股票市场的模仿投资行为及投资心理对股市产生的影响;论文研究方法之二:行为金融理论研究方法。

    First , with imitating economics and psychology method , by studying RBC of economic fluctuation , the writer analyzed imitating investment behaviors , furthermore , analyzed the investing psychology effecting on stock market .

  26. 企业投资活动中模仿学习行为的经济学解释

    An Economic Explanation of Imitation and Learning Behaviors In Enterprises Investment

  27. 我国股市模仿投资行为的理论分析

    Theoretical Research on Imitating Investment Behavior in China 's Securities Market

  28. 企业自主创新、模仿创新行为与市场结构的演化研究

    Study on Independent Innovation , Imitative Innovation Behavior and Evolution of Market Structure

  29. 于是,中小投资者便产生了跟风、跟庄的模仿投资行为倾向。

    Thus , Simulating Investment Behavior is resulted .

  30. 在特殊情况下,狗狗甚至可以受到人类行为的影响并模仿人类行为。

    Under special circumstance , dogs can even be influenced by and imitate human behavior .