
zì xínɡ chē lǚ xínɡ
  • Bicycle travel;cycling tour
  1. 我们骑自行车旅行时,主要住在青年招待所里。

    When we went on our cycling tour , we stayed mainly in youth hostels .

  2. 今年暑假我想骑自行车旅行。

    I want to go bike riding this summer holiday .

  3. 她喜欢在乡下作长途自行车旅行。

    She loves to go for long bike rides in the countryside .

  4. 我想骑自行车旅行会帮助你更好地了解中国。

    I guess you can know more about China by riding a bicycle .

  5. 冒险项目包括野营、徒步旅行和自行车旅行。

    S.adult traveling public have taken an " adventure " trip in their lifetime .

  6. 自行车旅行是一种令人兴奋的体验。

    Traveling experiences by bike are quite exciting .

  7. 这对夫妻在一趟自行车旅行中相识。

    This couple met on a bike tour .

  8. 他正在计划一个自行车旅行。

    He is planning a bicycle trip .

  9. 他假期打算做什么?他打算去观光和骑自行车旅行。

    What 's he doing for vacation ? He 's going sightseeing and bike riding .

  10. 学生们要骑自行车旅行。

    The students are going bike riding .

  11. 但骑自行车旅行是一种无法抗拒的体验,是对精神和身体的双重挑战。

    But travelling by bike is an irresistible experience , combining a mental and physical challenge .

  12. 我们决定骑自行车旅行,于是第二天清早就出发了。

    We decided to make a bicycle trip , so we started early the next morning .

  13. 骑自行车旅行是一种令人兴奋的体验。她不会体验兴奋,因为她太伤心了。

    Travelling experiences by bike are quite exciting . she could not come because she was too upset .

  14. 当你第一次山地自行车旅行的时候,你会发现你上钩。

    Once you go on your first mountain bike tour , you will find that you are hooked .

  15. 大学毕业后,他们得到了一次沿澜沧江作自行车旅行的机会。

    After graduating from college , they got a chance to make a bicycle trip along the Lancang river .

  16. 从初中开始,我姐姐王维和我就一直梦想进行一次伟大的骑自行车旅行。

    Ever since middle school , my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip .

  17. 自行车旅行需要一些计划,但在你和村庄之间可以避开车窗的阻拦。

    A bicycle tour takes some planning , but it beats being separated from a country though a passenger-side window .

  18. 骑自行车旅行,我们常常在街道的小摊上买些水果或其它食物为餐。

    Traveling by bike , we very often made meals of fruit and other foods that we bought from street vendors .

  19. 自行车旅行最赞的地方就是你可以按照你自己的步调走,克莱尔说。

    ' The great thing about a cycle trip is that you can go at your own pace , ' Claire says .

  20. 采访中提到的人除其他外电影,是能够避免骑自行车旅行的交通拥堵的好处。

    People interviewed in the film mentioned , among other things , the benefits of being able to avoid traffic congestion by traveling by bike .

  21. 小汽车旅行方式和自行车旅行的方式的不同存在于很多方面,比如速度,效率,安全

    The differences between the way of car traveling and that of bicycle traveling lie in the many aspects , such as speed , efficiency , safety

  22. 骑自行车旅行的人体力很重要,而中国就是世界上让你填饱肚子的最佳地点。

    A cyclist rides on his or her stomach , and China is one of the best countries in the world in which to fill your belly .

  23. 但是,一个小小的警告:葡萄酒可能会变得很烈,非常烈,所以当你骑着自行车旅行时,最好别沿途夸大你的酒量

    A little word of warning however : it can become hot , very hot , and when with a bicycle , one better not exagerate wine tasting along the way

  24. 我真的不认为坐在汽车里会有同样的体验,但也不是说自行车旅行没有缺点。

    I really don 't think you could have quite the same experience in a car , but that 's not to say there are no downsides to bicycle travel .

  25. 但是,一个小小的警告:葡萄酒可能会变得很烈,非常烈,所以当你骑着自行车旅行时,最好别沿途夸大你的酒量……

    A little word of warning however : it can become hot , very hot , and when with a bicycle , one better not exagerate wine tasting along the way ...

  26. 不可避免地,对自行车旅行来说,你的路线总会变的,你会遇到一些你没见过的人、学习新地方的知识、发现路上新的风景。

    ' Inevitably , on a cycle tour , your route will change , you will meet new people , learn about new places and find new spots to visit on the road . '

  27. 由于翠峰度假村具有独一无二的未受破坏的环境,因此来度假的公众可在真正未开发的环境里徒步旅行、骑自行车旅行、钓鱼、驾驶帆船和观光。

    With such a unique and unspoiled setting , Jay Peak can provide its vacationing public an opportunity to hike , bike , fish , sail and sightsee in a setting that is truly undeveloped .

  28. 风景真的是太迷人了—这里的郊野特别是自行车旅行的理想之地—那正是一种探索小村落,偶遇当地人,经历地方色彩的绝佳方式。

    The landscapes are just fantastic - this countryside is ideal for abicycle trip - it is great way to explore the little villages , meet the locals , experience the ' couleur locale ' ...

  29. 她自己喜欢徒步旅行和骑自行车长途旅行这样的运动方式。

    Her own preferred methods of exercise are hiking and long cycle rides .

  30. 我们一起骑自行车长途旅行。

    We went on long bicycle rides together