
zhǐ jiɑ jiǎn
  • nail scissors
  1. 米什卡找到个指甲剪,开始仔细地修剪指甲。

    Mishka got some nail scissors and started carefully trimming his fingernails .

  2. 妈妈只好用指甲剪来切面包。

    Mother had to cut the bread with a nailfile .

  3. 他剪指甲剪了指甲下的肉。

    He cut the fingernail to the quick .

  4. 指甲剪是我们每人日常生活所需的用品。

    Nail clippers are the necessaries every one of us needs in our daily life .

  5. 他用一把指甲剪剪去几根胡须。

    He clipped off the few hairs of his spare beard with a fingernail clipper .

  6. 用指甲剪修剪发黄的被真菌感染的趾甲。用两份水和一份苹果醋混合,每日浸泡双脚或趾甲15至20分钟。

    Trim yellow fungal growth with clippers and soak your feet or fingers daily for 15 to 20 minutes in two parts warm water with one part apple cider vinegar .

  7. 这些指甲得剪剪了。

    These fingernails have to be trimmed .

  8. 你的指甲需要剪一剪了。

    Your nails need cutting .

  9. 剪指甲时剪得过短或是向内剪,指甲有伤口或是穿太紧的鞋子都可能引起指甲内嵌。

    Cutting nails too short or not straight across , injury to the toenail , and wearing tight shoes are culprits .

  10. 去健身房、多做些工作、修好指甲、剪好头发…做些可使你觉得漂亮,有自信的事!

    Go to the gym , work out a lot , get your nails and hair done ... do whatever you can so you can feel more pretty and confident !

  11. 他把指甲仔细地剪过,然后回到了桌子前。

    He cut them very carefully and then went back to his desk .

  12. 许多修脚人员把指甲的旁边剪低了,这对我们脚病医生带来了问题。

    A lot of pedicurists do cut down the sides and that causes problems for us chiropodists .

  13. 你把脚掌伸出来让我看看。哎呀,你指甲太长,我得把你的指甲剪下来一点!

    But let 's have a look at your paws : they 're a mighty length , I 'll have to pare your nails down a bit .