
zhēn xiàn bāo
  • sewing kit
针线包 [zhēn xiàn bāo]
  • [housewife] 一种如衣服口袋大小的容器(如小包或布卷),以供携带小物品(如针、线、剪刀等)

  1. 因公旅行时,我总带着我小小的旅行用针线包。

    When travelling on business I take my tiny travel sewing kit .

  2. 你太太带了针线包吗?

    Did your wife pack a sewing kit ?

  3. 纽约市举办万圣节狗类化装比赛,狗狗们打扮成LadyGaga、纽约公交车或针线包争妍斗艳。

    New York-Dogs dress as Lady Gaga , New York bus and pin cushion to compete in canine Halloween costume competition .

  4. 可以帮我看看有没有针线包吗?

    Hey , would you see if there 's any sewing kits ?

  5. 让你办公室的人知道你有一个针线包,可以为单身汉缝扣子。

    Let it be known in your office that you have a button box and will sew on bachelors " loose buttons .

  6. 法官讲完了话,琼斯太太打开随身携带的大手提包,拿出针线包。

    When the judge had finished what he was saying , Mrs Jones opened the big handbag she was carrying and took out her sewing .

  7. 还要准备一个迷你针线包(以备下摆脱落或纽扣掉落等情况出现时紧急修补服装)、静电喷雾、刮毛球器和事先卷好的毛巾来消除化妆品和食物污渍。

    Also , make sure you have a mini sewing kit ( for emergency clothing fixes like a dropped hem or popped button ) , static spray , a lint remover and prewrapped wipes9 to remove makeup and food stains . 10 .

  8. 工具箱里应该要有蜡烛、火柴(这两样最好放在防水盒子里),剪刀、镊子、针线包、手电筒、电池、小型灭火器、手动开瓶器和一个能用来关闭煤气阀门的扳手。

    This includes items such as candles , matches in a waterproof container , scissors , tweezers , a sewing kit , flashlight , extra batteries , small fire extinguisher , a manual can opener , and a wrench to turn off gas .