
zì zú
  • self-contained;self-satisfied;be satisfied oneself
自足 [zì zú]
  • (1) [self-satisfied]∶自我满足

  • (2) [be satisfied oneself]∶自己觉得满意

自足[zì zú]
  1. 从理论物理的角度看来宇宙学不但应当是自洽的,而且应当是自足(self-contained)的,因为,按照定义,没有东西可以存在于宇宙之外。

    Cosmology , as a field of theoretical physics , should not only be consistent , but also self-contained . It is because that according to the definition of the universe nothing can be outside of it .

  2. 及兹契幽绝,自足荡心耳。

    And Ziqi you must , self-contained finishes atrial appendage .

  3. WTO协定的规则体系不是自足的产物。

    The system of the WTO rules is not self - sufficient .

  4. 第一部份给出一个各组公理相对于C而自足的古典逻辑公理系统。

    In the first section an axiom system for the classic two-valued logic M is given such that each group of axioms ( including predicate calculus ) is self-sufficient with respect to the connective C.

  5. 埃森哲(Accenture)估计,到2035年,北美12%的人和欧洲11%的人将实现能源自足,可能会脱离电网。

    By 2035 , Accenture estimates , 12 per cent of people in North America and 11 per cent in Europe will be energy self-sufficient and potentially living off-grid .

  6. 结果准直3.0~5.0mm,延迟时间45~50s,自足端方向扫描MIPCTP能同时显示4级以上门静脉分支和2级以上的肝静脉分支。

    Results By using collimation 3.0 ~ 5.0 mm , delay time 45 ~ 50 seconds with the scan direction from feet to head , MIP CTP image could display more than 4 grade branches of portal veins and 2 grade branches of hepatic veins .

  7. 影响名词谓语句自足的语言形式

    Language Forms Influencing Self - Sufficiency of Noun - Predicated Sentences

  8. 这种生活方式,乃是基于他们经济的自足与心情的优闲而来。

    The living styles resulted from their wealth and leisurely mood .

  9. 夏洛是成熟而生活自足的成年人,是完美的养育者。

    Charlotte is adult , who is mature and self-sufficient .

  10. 现代主义以来的艺术表现强调语言的自律性和自足性。

    Since modernism , the artistic expressions stress on self-discipline and self-satisfaction .

  11. 自足式海洋钻井平台半潜式钻井平台隔水管存放形式研究

    Research on storage format of marine format on semi-submersible platform

  12. 我希望这个地方可以只给自足。

    Help get this place back up on its feet .

  13. 动词词义的非自足性研究

    Research on the Meaning of the Verb is Not Self-sufficient

  14. 词作为一级重要的语言单位,是一个相对自足的实体。

    As a relatively self-contained substantiality , the words is an important unit .

  15. 在一种对诗歌自足性的理解中,奥克肖特发现了一种自足的政治哲学。

    In the understanding of poetry self-sufficiency , he finds self-sufficiency political philosophy .

  16. 论游戏的自足本质我的教学本质观

    My Viewpoint on the Essence of Teaching THE GAME

  17. 在句法上,该结构只是相对自足,对结构语义的准确理解依赖于篇章中它与先行句、后续句之间的语义联系。

    The accurate understanding of the structure depends on its relation with clauses .

  18. 在家里以你做梦都想不到的方式自已自足。

    Your home will be self-sufficient in ways you 've never dreamed of .

  19. 艺术家的意识可以赋予自然新的形式,创造出一个自足的世界,因此他认为艺术美超越自然美。

    He believes that artists reshape nature consciously and can create a self-sufficient world .

  20. 一方面,顺着上面的脉络人的个体存在的自足性变强了;

    On the one hand the self-sufficiency of man 's individual existence becomes strong ;

  21. 不自足性。

    And ( 3 ) without self-contained nature .

  22. 政治是一种行动的人生,文化却是静观的人生。话语是永远无法独立自足的,话语之场就是权力运作之所。

    Speeches are never self-contained while presence of speeches is the action of power .

  23. 原来的自满自足一扫而空;

    Gone was his pride , his self-sufficiency .

  24. 旋转的水流能够有效地自足。

    Such swirling currents can be remarkably self-contained .

  25. 达到了精神上的毫无挂碍和生命的自足丰盈,这也就是很多学者所极力称颂的精神自由。

    So most of the scholars think it is an ideal freedom of spirit .

  26. 同样保守派很难心满自足。

    This too may prove unsatisfying for conservatives .

  27. 他的困境在于发现没有天理的道德不能自足,他必须为道德找到更高的来源。

    He found morality was not self-sufficient .

  28. 他们深信,自足的语言,通过虚构可以创造一个形而上的真实世界。

    They are convinced that self-sufficient language can create a metaphysical true world through fiction .

  29. 国家通过对于废燃料的再加工并没有实现其核能自足的目标。

    The country has not achieved its goal of nuclear self-sufficiency by reprocessing spent fuel .

  30. 在他的作品中,洋溢着健康、欢乐、诙谐、倔强、自足和蓬勃的生命力。

    His paintings are filled with a happy , vigorous , humorous and self-confident life attitude .