
zhì mì tiān tǐ
  • compact object;compact celestial body
  1. 本文主要致力于黑X射线双星光变曲线以及周期性特征的研究。黑洞是经过恒星引力塌缩而形成的一种质量较大的致密天体,几乎所有的黑洞系统是X射线新星。

    This paper is contributed to the study of the light curve and periodicity of the black hole X-ray binary Cyg X-1.Black hole is the high-mass compact object , which is result of the gravity collapse of the star and most of the black hole system is X-ray nova .

  2. 一般认为,脉冲星是由超密核物质构成的致密天体(中子星),但其内部物质成分到底如何至今仍在探索中。

    It is generally recognized that pulsar is the compact object ( neutron star ) composed of super dense matter , and its interior is still a mystery of astrophysics .

  3. 黑洞等致密天体的辐射通常呈现出快速的变化,有些x射线光变表现出持续稳定的近似周期性,被称为准周期振荡(QPO)。

    Rapid variations are usually found in the radiation from black hole ( BH ) systems and other astrophysical compact objects . Some X-ray variations are quasi-periodic , stationary and continuing , which are called Quasi-Periodic Oscillations ( QPOs ) .

  4. 关于致密天体内部的格林函数

    On the Green 's function of super - condensed celestial body

  5. 快速旋转致密天体的平衡位形及其引力效应

    The Equilibrium Configurations of Rapid Rotating Compact Stars and Some Gravitational Effects

  6. 研究了环绕致密天体的吸积盘的稳定性质和振动模式。

    Stability properties and oscillation modes of accretion disks around compact objects are studied in this paper .

  7. 引力透镜效应:对宇宙中致密天体分布的一个可能限制

    The Effect of Gravitational Lens : A Possible Limit on the Distribution of Compact Objects in Universe

  8. 奇异星是类似于中子星的由奇异夸克物质组成的致密天体。本文研究了夸克之间的强作用对奇异星观测效应的影响。

    We study the influence of the strong interactions between quarks on observational effects of strange stars .

  9. 这两颗卫星将用于监测高能天体现象,研究中子星、黑洞和其他致密天体及其合并过程。

    The satellites will be used to monitor high-energy celestial phenomena and to study neutron stars , black holes and other compact objects and their merger processes .

  10. Ⅱ型超新星释放能量很可能与内部收缩成中子星和产生脉冲星联系在一起,而Ⅰ型超新星爆发将整个恒星毁掉不留下致密天体。

    The energy release in Type ⅱ supernovae is presumably related to the contraction of the core to a neutron star and pulsar , while Type ⅰ supernovae leave no compact remnant .

  11. 人们在某些双星系中发现了致密天体,分析表明这些天体的质量远远超出了广义相对论中任何一颗死亡恒星的质量极限,因而把它们确定为黑洞。

    People found compact objects in some binary systems , and identified them as black holes , because careful analysis showed that their masses are far beyond any limit accepted for dead stars in general relativity .

  12. 其中,致密天体如中子星或者黑洞的引力吸积可以将相当于大约10%的被吸积物质的静止质量转化为辐射,这是天体物理中最为有效的能源之一。

    About 10 % mass accreted by compact star , such as neutron star or black hole , can be transfered into radiation . It is known that accretion is one of the most efficient exoergic mechanisms in the universe .

  13. 致密星是由于恒星塌缩而形成的一类致密天体,在它致密的核心中还可能发生强子物质到夸克物质的退禁闭相变。

    Compact stars are born in stellar gravitational collapse . The deconfinement phase transition is expected to occur at large densities in the cores of compact stars .

  14. 为了将不同的致密星区分开来,人们最容易想到的是物质状态方程的不同可能导致这些致密天体质量-半径关系的差异。

    In order to distinguish different compact objects , people easily bethink of the difference of mass-radius relations between them that may be caused by different equations of state ( EOS ) .