
zhì sǐ liànɡ
  • lethal dose ;fatal dose;FD
  1. 毒性试验表明:毒素致死量为0.2μg。

    Mice toxicity determination indicates that the lethal dose of intact ricin was 0.2 μ g.

  2. 亚致死量~(60)Coγ射线照射后小鼠骨髓造血细胞程序性死亡特性研究

    Characterization of Programmed Cell Death of Bone Marrow Cells in Sublethally ~ 60Co γ Irradiated Mice

  3. 在最小致死量E.智能型氧量分析仪的设计

    After E. The Design for Intelligent Oxygen volume analyzer

  4. 以序贯法研究不同剂量的P对小鼠静脉注射K的半数致死量(LD50)的影响,并探讨P对清醒家兔静注K的呼吸循环效应的影响。

    The influence of P on the circulatory and respiratory effects of K was studied in rabbits .

  5. 胎肝移植对~(60)Coγ线致死量照射治验一例

    The effect of fetal liver transplantation for ~ ( 60 ) Co γ ray acute lethal irradiated Injury-A Case Report

  6. 结论SD大鼠麻醉量与致死量之间差距小。

    Conclusion The gap between anesthetic and lethal dose of sodium barbiturate on rats is little .

  7. Weibull分布:药物最小致死量的理论分布

    Weibull Distribution : Theoretical Distribution of the Minimal Lethal Dosage of Drugs

  8. 目的测定百草枯对小鼠的半数致死量(halflethaldose,LD50)。

    Objective To measure the half lethal dose ( LD_ ( 50 )) of paraquat in mice .

  9. 半数致死量LD(50)的百分偏差和渐近方差

    Percentage Bias and Variance of LD_50

  10. 实验对~(60)Coγ线致死量照射骨髓移植小鼠的放射性白内障发展过程进行观察。

    The development of mice cataract after ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - ray le-thal dose irradiation and bone marrow transplantation was observed .

  11. 方法以Bliss法计算半数致死量(LD50);

    Methods LD_ ( 50 ) was measured by Bliss ;

  12. 方法:喘安小鼠灌胃测定半数致死量(LD50)。

    Methods : To measure 50 % lethal dose by lavage .

  13. 用改良寇氏法计算半数致死量(LD50)及95%可信限。

    The LD50 and 95 % creditability were calculated with developed Karber Method .

  14. C组:半致死量4Gy照射;

    C group : the dose of X-irradiation was 4 Gy ( Sub lethal dose s );

  15. 龙葵素对KM小鼠的半数致死量(L氏,)为434mg/kg体重。

    The LD50 of solanine was estimated to be 434 mg / kg BW in mice .

  16. 方法:采用溶血试验测定红细胞半数致死量(LD50)。

    Method : The red cell LD_ 50 was determined by the hemolytic experiment .

  17. 方法:经典的半数致死量LD50测定法。

    Method : Classical LD50 test .

  18. 用甲硝唑体外分别作用于7个分离株,得其最小致死量(MLC)。

    Minimal lethal concentrations ( MLC ) of metronidazole on the isolates were measured in vitro .

  19. 其半数致死量(LD50)为4.1×104个细菌。

    The 50 % lethal dose of the bacterium was 4 1 × 10 4 cpf / mL.

  20. 结果,脾内IL-12蛋白质含量:致死量组均低于正常组;

    The results showed that IL 12 protein levels of the lethal infection group were lower than those of the intact controls .

  21. 结果破壁灵芝孢子油对雌雄小鼠经口半数致死量(LD50)均大于10g/kg体重,为实际无毒级物质;

    Results The orally LD50 of broken cellwall lucid ganoderma spore is more than 10 g / kg ;

  22. 结果急性毒性实验中,核桃提取物经口半数致死量(LD50)10g/kg体重;

    Results The oral LD 50 of walnut extract was more than 10 g / kg body weight ;

  23. 结果采用霍恩法计算聚天冬氨酸小鼠经口半致死量(LD50)大于5000mg/kg;

    Results Oral LD50 for mice was greater than 5 000 mg / kg calculated by Horn method .

  24. 观察10d动物的存活情况,计算昆明小鼠单宁经口半数致死量(LD50)。

    The death ratios were observed and the median lethal dose ( LD 50 ) was calculated .

  25. 目的经食管超声心动图(transesophagealechocardiography,TEE)观察猪心腔中脂肪栓子的超声表现及猪脂肪栓塞的致死量。

    Objective To study the manifestation of fat emboli ( FE ) on transesophageal echocardiography ( TEE ) in the pig 's heart chamber .

  26. 采用较低的细胞密度铺板,加入含最小致死量G418的DMEM培养基进行再次筛选;

    The cells were planked with lower cell density , and further screened in DMEM medium containing G418 MFD ;

  27. 邻甲苯胺经口半数致死量为755mg/kg,属低毒类。

    The LD50 of o-toluidine in mice by mouth is 755mg / kg . o-toluidine has lower toxicity .

  28. 采用体外微量细胞病变抑制实验及体内半数致死量LD(50)测定法,分别观察海藻硫酸多糖911对乙型脑炎病毒的作用。

    The effects of marine polysaccharide sulfate-911 on encephalitis B virus was investigated through in vitro study of the inhibition on trace cellular damage and the determination of LD50 .

  29. 研究背景:脑缺血预处理(IschemiaPreconditioning,PC)是指脑经过短暂亚致死量的缺血预处理,可对随后的严重缺血产生耐受,从而起到保护作用。

    Background : cerebral ischemic preconditioning ( Ischemia Preconditioning , PC ) refers to the brain after a brief sublethal ischemic preconditioning of subsequent severe ischemia of tolerance , which play a protective role .

  30. 致病力明显降低,对小白鼠的半数致死量大于1.0×108CFU(ColonyFormingUnits)。

    In addition , the pathogenicity capability was greatly decreased and the 50 % lethal dose for mice was more than 1.0 × 108 CFU ( colony forming units ) .