
jiù chǐ
  • dentes molares;mola;molar;molar teeth;molar tooth
臼齿 [jiù chǐ]
  • [molar tooth] 齿名。在口腔后方的两侧。一般上下颌各六个,其形如臼,故名。通称槽牙

臼齿[jiù chǐ]
  1. 世界野生动物基金(WWF)在官网上说:尽管看起来萌萌的,熊猫有能力像其他熊类动物一样保护自己,熊猫有庞大的体重,强有力的下颚肌肉和巨大的臼齿。

    The nature conservation organisation WWF says on its website : As cuddly as they may look , a panda can protect itself as well as most other bears , using its heavy weight , strong jaw muscles and large molar teeth .

  2. 世界野生动物基金(WWF)在官网上说:“尽管看起来萌萌的,熊猫有能力像其他熊类动物一样保护自己,”熊猫有庞大的体重,强有力的下颚肌肉和巨大的臼齿。

    The nature conservation organisation WWF says on its website : " As cuddly as they may look , a panda can protect itself as well as most other bears , " using its heavy weight , strong jaw muscles and large molar teeth .

  3. 哺乳类动物臼齿的Moire等高线研究

    Preliminary investigations on the moire contour fringes of molar of mammals

  4. 臼齿(MolarTooth)碳酸盐岩问题已经研究了100多年,许多学者都对它的成因提出了不同的假设,但始终未能取得共识。

    The origin for Molar Tooth carbonate rocks has been studied more than 100 years , and many scholars have put forward different hypotheses about it . Up to now , a consensus still has not been reached .

  5. 臼齿(Molar-Tooth)灰岩是发育于中新元古代碳酸盐台地的一种特殊灰岩类型。

    Molar-tooth ( MT ) limestone is a special type of limestone developed in the Meso-and Neo-proterozoic carbonate platform .

  6. 通过对野外露头的详细观察和描述、室内薄片观察、扫描电镜、能谱分析等测试手段,揭示了二道江剖面万隆组的地层、岩石、臼齿构造(MT)及沉积岩相和沉积环境特征。

    Based on the observation and description of outcrops , thin-section observation , scanning electron microscope and energy spectrum analysis , the characteristics of strata , lithology , Molar-tooth structure , lithofacies and sedimentary environments are respectively documented .

  7. 在以灰岩为主的高于庄组第3段中,其中的第3个三级层序(SQ(11))中部的灰岩层中发育臼齿状构造。

    The third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation that is marked by laminar limestones can be grouped into 3 third-order sequences ( SQ_9 to SQ_ ( 11 )), and the Molar-tooth structure was developed in the middle part of its third sequence .

  8. 第三臼齿退化及其在人类演化上的意义

    The degeneration of third molars and its significance to human evolution

  9. 启程七个月之后,她掉了一颗臼齿。

    Seven months into the walk , she lost a molar .

  10. “用精选的真人臼齿做的。”他告诉我。

    " Finest specimens of human molars ," he informed me .

  11. 他有巨大的臼齿和下颌和一个大型矢状嵴。

    He had huge molars and jaws and a large sagittal crest .

  12. 徐州-淮南地区新元古代臼齿碳酸盐岩成因探讨

    Origin of the Neoproterozoic Molar-tooth Carbonates in the Xuzhou-Huainan Area

  13. 大熊猫臼齿釉质的超微结构和氨基酸组成

    Ultrastructure and amino-acid composition of the enamel of Ailuropoda molar

  14. 华北人颅骨臼齿磨耗的年龄变化

    Attrition of molar teeth in relation to age in northern Chinese skulls

  15. 分辨巨猿第一与第二臼齿的多元分析方法

    Distinguishing first from second molars of Gigantopithecus by multivariate analyses

  16. 上颚最后的一只前臼齿,下颚最前的一只臼齿。

    Last premolar of upper jaw , first molar of lower jaw .

  17. 臼齿构造主要成因模式及时空分布意义

    Origin Models of Molar Tooth Structures and Their Temporal Spatial Distribution Significances

  18. 那么为什么要叫臼齿为臼齿,门牙为门牙呢?

    Then why are molars molars , and incisors incisors ?

  19. 吉辽地区新元古代臼齿碳酸盐岩岩相的若干岩石学特征研究

    Sedimentary Lithofacies and Petrological Features of Neoproterozoic MT Structures-Bearing Carbonates in Jilin-Liaoning Area

  20. 象用其强有力的臼齿嚼碎食物。

    The elephant grinds its food with [ between ] its powerful molars .

  21. 华南人颅骨上、下颌臼齿磨耗与年龄变化的关系

    Attrition of upper and lower molars with relation to age in southern Chinese skulls

  22. 臼齿主要是用来咀嚼。

    The bicuspids are used mainly for chewing .

  23. 医生把我的臼齿拔了。

    The doctor pulled out my cavitary tooth .

  24. 第一位病人受着剧痛的折磨,因为她有几颗臼齿腐烂了。

    The first patient is in excruciating pain because she has several rotten molars .

  25. 确保彻底刷干净臼齿是非常重要的。

    It 's very important to make sure you clean the back teeth thoroughly .

  26. 智齿一般是长在口腔后部的臼齿或者嚼牙。

    Wisdom teeth are molars , or chewing teeth at the back of the mouth .

  27. 你的两颗臼齿上有蛀牙。

    You have cavities in two molars .

  28. 人类的门牙看起来跟臼齿很像。

    Human incisors look much like bicuspids .

  29. 智齿是臼齿,或称咀嚼齿,位于口腔最里面。

    Wisdom teeth are molars , or chewing teeth , at the back of the mouth .

  30. 臼齿构造是一种发育在元古代碳酸盐岩中的特殊类型的沉积构造。

    The molar teeth structure is a special sedimentary structure in carbonate rock developed in Proterozoic .