
  • 网络Public Opinion Field
  1. 在此基础上总结了两个舆论场的异同以及十年来两会报道的关键词。

    On this basis , summarizes the similarities and differences of two public opinion field , and keywords in ten years .

  2. 微博在作为新兴舆论场的同时,也已成为舆情的高发地。

    As an emerging public opinion field , microblog has become the high-occurrence place of public opinion .

  3. 法律层面的辩论非常激烈,但在公共舆论场上,战斗已经结束。

    The legal rhetoric was sharp ; but in the court of public opinion , the battle was over .

  4. 这种发展趋势为主流媒体打通两个舆论场提供了可能。

    Such development tendency makes it possible for mainstream media to get through " two public opinion fields " .

  5. 新媒体具有信息传播的及时性、快速性,同时能形成强大的社会舆论场。

    New media is provided with timely information dissemination , rapidity , and can create a strong public opinion field .

  6. 讨论性和意见性平台是为其主要舆论场,而流通性平台保证了这一联动机制。

    The discussion and opinion platform are the main cyber public opinion fields , and the conductivity platform ensures the linkage mechanism .

  7. 现在几乎每个社会热点问题的背后,都有传统媒体、新兴媒体及网络舆情的共同参与和推动,这便形成了一个混合舆论场。

    Behind almost every hot social issues , traditional media , new media and network public sentiments are participate and promote together .

  8. 不过,上述结论也存在特殊情况。有时,社会精英在舆论场中也会成为弱势表达者。这给当下中国舆论环境带来不少变数。

    As special cases , elites in society sometimes become weak expressers at opinion circumstances , which explains the uncertainty of opinion expression .

  9. 由于公共事件本身所具备的特性和网络瞬时所聚集的强舆论场,在公共事件当中,公众对科学信息的需求度增加。

    Because the features of public affairs and strong public opinions that gathered by network , people will turn to scientific information when there is a public event .

  10. 中国现今最热门的网络现象,莫过于微博客的兴起和发展,微博客已经成为各种舆论场和观点展示和传播最活跃的平台。

    Nowadays , the most popular online phenomenon of China is rise of micro-blog . Micro-blog sites has become the most active platforms on which variety of public opinion display and propagate .

  11. 微博的作用在于围观,转发、评论、@功能等应用的围观功能促进了一个个舆论场的形成,从而促进了公共议题的深入探讨。

    The main effect of micro-blogging is to crowd , opinion fields are shaping by the crowding function of forwarding , discussing , @ and other apps , which contributing to the deep discussion of public topics .

  12. 挪威舆论在这场人机大战中站在人类的一边,但奥斯陆地方法庭(OsloDistrictCourt)做出了严厉判决。

    Norwegian public opinion has sided with the human side of the man-versus-machine drama , but the Oslo District Court has come down hard .

  13. 无论用什么标准来衡量,这都是全球舆论方面的一场革命。

    By any standards that is a revolution in global opinion .

  14. 作为一个零门槛的网络交流平台,微博是民意汇集的中心,是舆论形成和发展的优质场域,随着其不断发展壮大,微博事实上已经成为民间舆论场的主战场。

    As a zero-threshold for network communication platform , microblog is the center of public opinion , where public opinion takes shape and grows easily . Actually microblog has been the center of the Public Opinion Field .

  15. 第三部分分析广告舆论发生的宏观环境和微观环境,即社会系统变量和广告舆论场。

    In the third part analyse the macro and micro environment , the variable of social system and advertising media market .

  16. 舆论要素相互叠加,吸引微博用户聚合,共同表达声音,发挥自己的话语权,促进了舆论场的形成,从而进一步凸显微博舆论的作用机制。

    The elements of expression are superimposed on each other , attracting micro-blog users polymerize to together , expressing themselves together , developing their speech right , which promote formation of the public opinion field , thus highlights the mechanism of public opinion in the micro-blogging further .