
  • 网络Our Partners
  1. 我们的伙伴受益于服务和零售部门。

    Our partners benefited from its focus on the services and retail sectors .

  2. 我们的伙伴团结一致,保护世界各地的儿童免患麻疹,我们为此表示赞扬。

    We commend our partners for coming together to protect children around the world from measles .

  3. 虽然天秤座,土星的重点是我们的伙伴关系。

    While in Libra , Saturn focuses on our partnerships .

  4. 我对我们的伙伴关系过于高估了。

    I value our partnership too highly for that .

  5. 这个可以保护我们的伙伴关系。

    This is all to protect our parternership .

  6. 我们的伙伴关系必须基于这一现实。

    That really must underpin our partnership .

  7. 预祝我们的伙伴关系不断加深和发展。

    May our partnership deepen and prosper .

  8. 所以,如果没有我们的伙伴的帮忙,我们是不会获得那么多份额的。

    So , we can 't be gaining that much share without the partners helping us .

  9. 我想感谢蒂姆·凯恩和安·霍顿作为我们的伙伴一道走过这段旅程。

    I want to thank Tim Kaine and Anne Holton for being our partners on this journey .

  10. 我还承诺,我们的伙伴必须展示作为伙伴和朋友的诚意,

    I also pledged that our partners must show that they 're partners , they must show that they 're friends ,

  11. 所以我的重要议题之一就是呼吁我们的伙伴国家作出承诺,兑现承诺。

    And so one of my really important agenda items is going to rally our partners to make commitments and meet commitments .

  12. 我希望这些对话在本周我们的伙伴方在华盛顿为你们安排的活动中继续展开。

    And I hope these conversations will continue throughout the week at the events that our partners have planned for you in Washington .

  13. “宽恕、原谅”不但释放了我们的伙伴和被我们指控的人,这还会再次确立我们“天真无邪、纯真”的一面。

    Forgiveness not only releases our partner or the person we have judged , it re-establishes their innocence , and it re-establishes our innocence .

  14. 但是,医疗救济保险将会是我们的伙伴,共同努力使无法通过医疗救济保险得到核磁共振成像检查的妇女有权得到检查。

    However , Medicaid would be a partner with us in trying to get MRIs available to women who do not have access through Medicaid .

  15. 然而,只有在我们的伙伴,即非政府组织和首席执行官、科学家和学者、慈善家和社区领袖的支持下,我们才能取得成功。

    But we can only succeed with the support of our partners : NGOs and CEOs ; scientists and scholars ; philanthropists and community leaders .

  16. 谢谢北京人民为有机会参加你们的城市和信心,你必须在我们的伙伴关系。

    Thank you to the people of Beijing for the opportunity to be part of your City and the confidence you have in our partnership .

  17. 有一次,我与我们的伙伴在小区一起玩游戏,捉迷藏,从旭日东升一。

    One times , I and my friends in our housing estate play together , hide and seek , from the red sun rises from the east to .

  18. 我的一项工作是说服我们的伙伴根据国家重点和能力,同时根据世卫组织建议的战略和最佳技术做法调整其活动。

    One of my jobs is to convince our partners to align their activities with country priorities and capacities , but also with WHO recommended strategies and best technical practices .

  19. 而我们的伙伴关系也必须增进我们所信奉的原则,还有众多的埃及人在过去几年里为这些原则付出牺牲不论他们隶属于哪个党派或派别。

    But our partnership must also advance the principles that we believe in and that so many Egyptians have sacrificed for these last several years & no matter what party or faction they belong to .

  20. 在日常生活中,甚至在战斗中,每个人都不可思议的,无可避免的依赖我们的伙伴,然而,只有在生与死的考验中,这种团结的力量才能被最终检验和证明。

    In daily life , even as in battle , each of us is mysteriously and irrevocably bund to our fellow man , and yet , it is only in death that the power of this bond is finally tested and prove .

  21. 考虑到世界上几乎任何一个国家的咖啡馆菜单上常见的内容,舒尔茨对于菜单上新品的热情显得有些夸张:很显然我们的伙伴们的确在创造性地思考。

    His enthusiasm for other offerings on the menu looks a little exaggerated , given what is generally available in caf é s in virtually any country in the world : It was obvious that our partners were truly thinking outside of the box .

  22. 于是Mike成了我们的合作伙伴

    So we convince Mike to actually throw in with us , as an euqal partner .

  23. 为了共同的目的,世界银行集团(WorldBankGroup)和包括中国在内的主要捐助国,正在支持我们的非洲伙伴,为穷人创造切实的机遇。

    Working in common purpose , the World Bank Group and key donors , including China , are working to support our African partners to create real opportunities for the poor .

  24. 而HM是我们的最佳伙伴。我很兴奋,同时期待着明年二月向HM的顾客们展示我们的产品。

    In H M we have found the perfect partner to collaborate with going forward , I 'm excited and looking forward to showcasing the range to H M customers from February .

  25. 我们的合作伙伴包括国际知名的马士基,韩进,中远,DHL等。

    Our cooperative partners include internationally renowned Maersk , Hanjin Transportation , COSCO and DHL .

  26. 我很乐意向您推荐我们的合作伙伴BBC公司,他们是欧洲地区的主要成衣进口商。

    I am very delighted to recommend our business partner BBC Company , who is a major importer of garments in Europe .

  27. 从调查中可以看出,我们的合作伙伴让应用程序使用ODBC的主要原因之一就是跨平台的支持。

    From our surveys , cross-platform support is one of the main reasons indicated by our partners for aligning their applications with ODBC .

  28. 所有我们的合作伙伴都通过了ISO国家认证,生产过程都是以ROHS为基准。

    All of our partner has passed the ISO ( International Organization for Standardization ) certification , and the producing processes are according to the rule of ROHS .

  29. 这是可口可乐公司(TCCC)承诺使我们的生意伙伴受益并发展的关键所在。

    That is the essence of TCCC promise-to benefit and refresh everyone who is touched by our business .

  30. 该项目的总成本约为400万英镑,我们的合作伙伴是体育服装制造商SPC,他们将在这里开设零售店和“体育咖啡厅”。

    The total cost of the project will be around £ 4 million , and we have as our partners in this project SPC , the sports clothes manufacturers , who will open a retail outlet and ' sports cafe " on the site .