
  • 网络we change
  1. 推测f的改变是否会取决于,我们改变的是x还是。

    And , presumably , the manner in which f changes y will be different depending on whether we change x or y.

  2. 如果Google的股价涨了7块,同时我们改变了卖出Microsoft的条件,那么将会观察到不同的结果。

    If the price of Google goes up seven dollars and we change our sell criteria for Microsoft , we observe different behavior .

  3. 然后,让我们改变PublishedModels使用的字体。

    Next , let 's change the font that is used to display the Published Models string .

  4. 但保持y恒定,这里我们改变,它和x是一样的。

    U But we keep y constant , while here we change u , which is still the same thing as x.

  5. iPhone手机将帮助我们改变客户群结构,提高每用户平均收入(ARPU),常小兵说。

    IPhones will help us to change the structure of our customer base and improve [ average revenue per user ] , said Mr Chang .

  6. 最后,让我们改变表格的颜色。

    Finally , let 's change the color of the table .

  7. 它可能需要我们改变自己看待年假的方式。

    This may require changing how we think about annual leave .

  8. 我不想让他对我们改变主意。

    I didn 't want him going postal on us .

  9. 我们改变拆散你们的计划了。

    We changed our minds about the plan to break you up .

  10. 睡眠能够帮助我们改变主意或理清思路吗?

    Does sleep help us change or clarify our mind ?

  11. 足以被我们改变它的成分。

    That we are capable of changing its composition .

  12. 但是,使用性能工具进行检查之后,我们改变了想法。

    However , after using the performance tools , we changed our minds .

  13. 促使我们改变的原因只有两个,要么激励,要么绝望。

    We change for two and two reasons only , either inspiration or desperation .

  14. 关键时刻,若我们改变我们原本要前往的方向。

    That in a matter of hours we 'd change the way we were going .

  15. 另一个关于长期选择的例子是,我们改变每天的态度。

    Another example of long run choices for us is our shift to everyday look .

  16. 她要求了这么多次,最后我们改变主意让她去了。

    She asked so many times that in the end we weakened and let her go .

  17. 在这里我们改变浓度。

    We change concentrations here .

  18. 我们改变了什么?

    What did we change ?

  19. 剩余的建议则是要我们改变在工作中的行为,使所有人都变得更幸福。

    The rest of the tips are about changing our behaviour at work to make everyone happier .

  20. 让我们改变话题吧,谈些别的事情。我们对这个话题已不感兴趣了。

    Let 's change the subject and talk about something else . We 've flogged this to-pic to death .

  21. 好奇心是人类最宝贵的天赋之一,再加上勇气,二者驱动着我们改变着自己。

    Curiosity is one of the noblest human faculties and , allied with courage , drives us to transform our-selves .

  22. 然后,我们改变θ,保持a恒定不变,这时,面积是怎样变化?

    And then , we 'll change theta , keep a constant , and ask , how does the area change ?

  23. 那些帮助我们改变,尤其是如果它的不经意做,因为他们是作为一个真正的朋友。

    Those who help us to change , especially if it 's done inadvertently , because they are being a true friend .

  24. 我们改变不了已经发生的事,但我们可以选择如何回应以及如何处理已经发生的事。

    The fact is that we cant change what happens , but we have a choice in how we respond and deal with what happened .

  25. 因此,现在是我们改变消费习惯,找出最好的方法,以消除对领导的信用卡债务幸福。

    Therefore , it is time we changed our spending habits and find out the best way to eliminate credit card debt for leading a happy life .

  26. 并不是我们改变这个世界,而我们的心里安宁,世界就和我们无关,对我们不会有影响。

    It is not that we have to change the world , but our inner tranquillity will sever us from the world and immune us from its influences .

  27. 通过世纪挑战帐户,我们改变了我们的援助方式,因此我们支持发展中国家进行重要的政治经济改革。

    And through the Millennium Challenge Account , we have transformed the way we deliver aid , so we can support developing nations that make important political and economic reforms .

  28. 我们确实改变了地球大气层的化学构成。

    We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet 's atmosphere

  29. 最终,我们可以改变人们的生活状况。

    Ultimately , we can change the shape of people 's lives .

  30. 我们不会改变我们的社论方针。

    We are not about to change our editorial policy .