
  1. 论体育舞蹈意境

    On Sports Dance Purport

  2. 我专注于我的身印手印,专注于我舞蹈的意境,专注于韵律和意象和舞蹈的哲学本身。

    I focused on my mudras , on the imagery of my dance , on the poetry and the metaphor and the philosophy of the dance itself .

  3. 舞蹈作品的意境,就是舞蹈作品所描绘的生活图景和表现的思想感情融合一起而形成的一种艺术境界。

    The artistic conception of dancing work is the result of the fusion of the scene in life described and the feelings expressed by dancing .

  4. 情为舞之魂&浅谈舞蹈课中的意境教学法

    Affection is the soul of dancing & An image teaching method in dancing class

  5. 对舞蹈艺术来说,意境美的创造是其审美追求的一种境界,是舞蹈的灵魂。

    For dancing art , the creation of beauty of artistic conception is the aesthetic goal and the soul of dancing .

  6. 关于高职舞蹈教学的思考&谈舞蹈语言、舞蹈形象及舞蹈意境

    The Thought on Dance Teaching in High Vocational College