
wǔ tái yì shù
  • stagecraft;histrionic
舞台艺术 [wǔ tái yì shù]
  • [stagecraft] 戏剧技巧;有效地掌握戏剧上的方法或技巧的艺术或实践(如在编剧,表演或导演方面)

  1. 另外,视觉艺术和表演课程很有特色,包括表演、舞台艺术、吉他、钢琴、舞蹈、陶艺、摄影、艺术1-3及画画的AP课程。

    Strong performing and visual arts programs to include acting , stagecraft , guitar , piano , voice , dance , ceramics , photography , Art1-3 , AP Drawing .

  2. 从传统走向现代:近代传奇杂剧的舞台艺术变革

    From Tradition to Modernity : An Evolution of Stagecraft of Modern Legendary Variety Plays

  3. 它是一种集音乐、表演、文学、咏叹调和面部绘画于一体的舞台艺术

    It is a scenic art integrating music , performance , literature , aria , and face painting .

  4. 欧洲歌剧舞台艺术的时空表现

    The Artistic Stage Form of Space and Time of European Opera

  5. 花木兰舞台艺术的演变有其独特性。

    The transformation of Mulan Stage Arts has its uniqueness .

  6. 戏剧,是演员当众表演的一门综合的舞台艺术。

    Drama actors perform in public , is a comprehensive stage art .

  7. 中国京剧与西方歌剧是同样的综合性舞台艺术。

    Chinese opera and Western opera is also a comprehensive stage art .

  8. 运用舞台艺术手法促进竞技太极拳表演效果的研究

    Use of Stage Arts Practices to Promote Competitive Effects of Taijiquan Exercise

  9. 音响是舞台艺术的重要的构成因素。

    Acoustics is the key element of stage art .

  10. 液氮云雾在舞台艺术中的应用

    The application of liquid nitrogen fog in stage art

  11. 抒情性是戏曲舞台艺术的本质特征。

    Emotional expression is an intrinsic nature of the art of traditional opera .

  12. 而“花鼓戏”已成为舞台艺术;

    While the " Flower Drum " has been taken to the stage .

  13. 话剧是一种重要的舞台艺术,在我国戏剧百花园中占有举足轻重的地位。

    The drama is an important stage art .

  14. 这是我们舞台艺术的一部分。

    It 's part of our performing act .

  15. 他的妻子早就从事于舞台艺术了。

    His wife went in for the stage .

  16. 重建文化自信坚守艺术本体&国家舞台艺术精品工程评选感悟

    Rebuild Cultural confidence Stick to Artistic Noumenon on artistic acceptance . Noumenon and Art

  17. 戏剧,作为一门古老的舞台艺术,是人类文化中一颗璀璨的明珠。

    As an ancient stage art , drama is a shining pearl among human culture .

  18. 戏剧是创造舞台艺术形象的综合艺术。

    Drama is a comprehensive artistic form of creating the artistic images on the stage .

  19. 这个艺术节是全球最大的舞台艺术节之一。

    It 's one of the biggest annual theatre and arts festivals in the world .

  20. 中国著名音乐剧制作人,多年来一直从事大型舞台艺术的编导和研究工作。

    Renowned Chinese musical producer who has been involved in musical productions for many years .

  21. 花木兰舞台艺术的演变

    The Transformation of Mulan Hua Stage Arts

  22. 戏剧表演或舞台艺术小剧场戏剧&拓展话剧的艺术空间

    Theatrical arts or performances . Small Theater Drama & Expending Artistic Space for Stage Plays

  23. 舞蹈作为一门独立的舞台艺术,具有表现社会生活的独特魅力。

    As an independent stage art , dance has a unique charm in presenting social life .

  24. 俄罗斯的舞台艺术蓬勃发展,宪法禁止自上而下的苏联式审查制度。

    Russia has a thriving theater scene and a constitution that bans top-down , Soviet-style censorship .

  25. 舞台艺术与政府行为

    Stage Art and Governmental Behavior

  26. 再接再励如琢如磨努力把《立秋》打造成国家舞台艺术精品

    Making Continued Effort to Perfect " The Beginning of the Autumn " into a National-caliber Stage Production

  27. 这个特性使它可成为广告、装璜、室内装饰舞台艺术等特殊照明的光源。

    It can be used for advertisement , decoration , stage lighting and other particular light sources .

  28. 莎士比亚论舞台艺术

    Shakespeare on Stage Arts

  29. 应以舞台艺术语言的概念取代地方戏研究中程式的概念。

    " Performing art language " concepts should replace " stereotyping " concepts in studies of local operas .

  30. 舞台艺术的课程主要是探讨舞台景片搭建中使用的特殊技术和材料。

    This section of Stagecraft is designed to explore the special techniques and materials used in scenic construction .