
  • 网络navigation mark ship;buoy tender
  1. 基于AVR系列单片机的航标船安全报警系统

    Navigation-Mark Ship Safety Alarming System Based on AVR MCU

  2. 基于AVR单片机无线网络的航标船安全报警系统包括传感、通信和控制3部份。

    The navigation-mark ship safety alarming system based on AVR MCU wireless network includes sensor , communication and control .

  3. 开发纵吊式沿海小型航标船刍议

    Developing Small Buoy Boats with Longitudinal Lifting

  4. 本文介绍120吨级航标巡检船(南方型)的开发设计、建造及试航结果。

    The paper introduces the design , development , construction and trial result of a 120 t class beacon inspection cruiser ( southern type ) .

  5. 本文介绍新开发的航标巡检船&航标夹持船的概况及其夹持装置设计要素与应用情况;

    A brief introduction is made to the navigation buoy inspection and tender boat , the essential design factors and application of the buoy holding device .

  6. 带航标夹持装置小型快速航标巡检船的研制

    Design of mini-type fast buoy cruise boat with buoy holding equipment

  7. 本文主要介绍了为探索改革传统跳标作业方式的路子,为航标作业提供便利和快捷维护航标能力,而在国内首次研制成功的带航标夹持装置小型快速航标巡检船。

    The paper presented China 's first successfully designed mini type fast buoy cruise boat fitted with buoy holding equipment , which was developed to change the traditional jumping buoy work over style and to provide an easy and fast navigation buoy maintenance capability .