
  • 网络air transportation insurance;air transportation cargo insurance
  1. 自航空、海上货物运输保险出现后,委付制度也逐渐被这些领域的保险法和司法实践所接受。

    Since the aviatic insurance and the goods transport of marine insurance appear , abandonment is gradually accepted by these fields of laws of insurance and the judicial practice .

  2. 中国财产保险业:结构、行为、绩效研究国际航空货运代理从事运输保险的现状分析

    Study on Property Industry : Market Structure Market Conduct Market Performance The Situation of International Air Cargo Forwarder With the Business on Property and Liability Insurance of Air Cargo

  3. 国际航空货运代理从事运输保险的现状分析民航系统航空货运销售代理的市场经营分析及发展前景初探

    The Situation of International Air Cargo Forwarder With the Business on Property and Liability Insurance of Air Cargo ; Research on the market management and development of aviation freight marketing agent in CAAC