
  • 网络air container
  1. 该装置可以对航空集装箱进行任意方向上透视检测,并可在可疑截面作CT图像。

    The system can do DR inspection for object from any direction and do CT inspection for air container .

  2. FRP特种航空集装箱夹层板力学行为分析

    Mechanical Analysis of FRP Composite Material Sandwich Board

  3. 负载压力补偿液压控制系统在SJT6.8A航空集装箱/板升降平台车中的应用

    The Application of Load Pressure Sensing Hydraulic Control System for Container / Pallet Loader

  4. L(D3R)航空冷藏集装箱结构有限元分析

    A Finite Element Analysis of the Structure of the Aircraft Cold Storage Container