
xián tī
  • gangway ladder;accommodation ladder;ramp;gangway
舷梯 [xián tī]
  • (1) [accommodation ladder]∶舷门所设以供旅客上下船的活动扶梯

  • (2) [ramp]∶通往飞机主门的梯子

舷梯[xián tī]
  1. 舷梯两面没有铅合金支柱,请提供。

    Two aluminium alloy stanchions for accommodation ladder were lacked , to be provided .

  2. 对于5万吨级以上码头,油轮上自带的舷梯难以形成岸与船的安全通道,因此登船梯成了大型码头不可或缺的关键设备。

    To more than 50,000 ton oil terminal , accommodation ladder of oil tanker is difficult to form its own safe passage between bank and the oil tanker . Therefore , boarding ladder become an indispensable key equipment to a large oil terminal .

  3. 舷梯上许多人上上下下。

    There 's a lot of rushing up and down the gangways .

  4. 他急匆匆地径直登上飞机舷梯,没有环顾四周,也没有挥手告别。

    He hustled straight up the aircraft steps without looking round or waving goodbye

  5. 她在警卫的护送下上了飞机尾部的舷梯。

    She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft .

  6. 走出飞机舷梯,走进路路通(access)出租车。

    Step off your flight into an access car .

  7. 船上的一个乘务员正在舷梯口等着他们;船长想邀请他们先到房舱里去喝两杯酒。如当事各方无意越过船舷交货,则应使用CPT术语。

    At the gangway a steward awaited them with an invitation to join the captain for drinks in his cabin . If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship 's rail , the CPT term should be used .

  8. 旅客们走上活动舷梯登上飞机。

    The passengers walked up the ramp to board the airplane .

  9. 舷梯值班:请出示您的通行证?

    Gangway watchman : May I see you pass , please ?

  10. 阿姆斯特朗第一个走出舱门,慢慢走下舷梯。

    Armstrong went out first and moved slowly down the ladder .

  11. 他们经舷梯登上甲板。

    They advanced up the gangway and gained the deck .

  12. 内拉站在舷梯尽头。

    Nella stood at the end of the gangway .

  13. 放舷梯及引航梯(放组合引航梯)。

    Rig accommodation ladder in combination with pilot ladder .

  14. 船长匆匆窜升舷梯,当他意识到发生何事。

    The captain hastily pulled up the gangway when he realized what was happening .

  15. 要是你们难以决定,那就在我离开之前,让我们到舷梯那儿谈一下吧。

    If you 're hesitant , let 's just chat at gangway before I leave .

  16. GB/T14360-1993固定弧形踏步铝质舷梯

    Fixing arc step aluminum alloy accommodation ladders

  17. 氧化物阶梯的铝覆盖GB/T14362-1993铝质舷梯翻梯装置

    Turning device for aluminum accommodation ladders

  18. 提彬并不为之所动,他摇摇晃晃地走下舷梯:这不可能。

    Teabing looked unamused as he hobbled down the stairs . I 'm afraid that is impossible .

  19. 值班副,请升一下舷梯让桥吊通过一下,谢谢。

    Duty officer , please lift the gangway and let the shore crane pass by , thank you .

  20. 他然后问我多少我必须舷梯达到我3年的目标的销售。

    He then asked me how much I had to ramp up sales to achieve my three-year goal .

  21. 等一下,我让值班水手送你到舷梯口。

    Wait a moment ! I 'll ask the sailor on duty to see you to the gangway .

  22. 拜托你给我看它的尽头在哪?当站在舷梯向外看时还好。

    You please just show me where it ends ? It was all very fine on that gangway .

  23. 放下右/左舷硬梯,固定好扶手栏杆和舷梯下的安全网。

    Lower the starboard / port gangway , secure guardrail and fix the safety net under the gangway .

  24. 他走过停机坪,站在从汉城来的专机的舷梯边等候。

    He walked across the tarmac waited at the bottom of the steps of the special flight from Seoul .

  25. 详细信息:船舶类:舷梯网、护栏网、救生网、隔仓网、阻燃安全网等系列;

    For ships and vessels : hanging ladder screen , railing screen , cabin partition screen , flame-retarded screen etc.

  26. 我是值班水手,我们的船长让我在舷梯口接你。

    I am the sailor on duty , our captain has asked me to meet you here at the gangway .

  27. 数十名智利少年儿童身着中国传统民族服装在舷梯旁列队欢迎。

    Dozens of Chilean children in Chinese traditional costumes lined up by the ladder of the plane to welcome the guests .

  28. 值班副,根据港口规定,卸货前船方必须在舷梯下安装安全网。

    Duty officer , According to the harbour regulations , the ship must fix up the safety net around gangway before discharging .

  29. 上月,邮轮上一条临时搭建的舷梯意外倒塌,造成正在船上参观的15人丧生。

    Fifteen people were killed when a temporary walkway collapsed as they were crossing it on a tour of the ship last month .

  30. 路四44于是耶稣在犹太的各会堂传道。犹太人把货物传递到舷梯。

    Lk . 4:44 And He preached in the synagogues of Judea . Jews passed the store hand to hand up the gangway .
