
xián biān
  • gunwale;gunnel
舷边 [xián biān]
  • [gunwale;gunnel;gunwhale] 在干舷侧与甲板相交处的船的部位

舷边[xián biān]
  1. 舷边甲板下面的一个凹处放了一个小小的洗脸盆。

    Set into an alcove under the side deck is a tiny wash basin .

  2. 请将这些货尽量装在两舷边。

    Please stow this cargo in both wings as much as possible .

  3. 在右舷边一只足以捏碎穿体的巨手从浊浪深处伸出。

    Off to starboard a hand large enough to crush the boat was reaching up from the murky depths .

  4. 他被挂在船舷边,与魔鬼和深蓝色的海上工作。

    He was hanging over the side of the ship , working between the devil and the deep blue sea .

  5. 作者先假设了舷边梁的荷载曲线与挠度曲线为相似曲线,从而求得了舷边梁的挠度方程。

    It is assumed at first that the curve of loading of side stringer is similar to that of its deflection , and then a parameter of deflection curve is found .
