
chuán chǎng
  • shipyard;dockyard
船厂 [chuán chǎng]
  • [dockyard;shipyard] 造船的工厂

船厂[chuán chǎng]
  1. 工人们罢工后不久,警察就开始在船厂集结。

    Shortly after the workers went on strike , police began to mass at the shipyard

  2. 他刚到船厂时,他们曾是一群垂头丧气的人,现在的他们却热情洋溢。

    They 'd been a dejected lot when he 'd arrived at the shipyard , but now they sparkled with enthusiasm .

  3. 奥林匹克级邮轮是北爱尔兰的哈兰德与沃尔夫船厂为英国白星航运公司建造的。

    The Olympic class ships were built by the Harland & Wolff ship makers in Northern Ireland for the White Star Line company .

  4. 支持可能会针对那些由国有企业中国船舶工业集团公司(chinastateshipbuildingcorporation)运营的船厂。

    Support is likely to be aimed at the yards operated by the state-owned China State Shipbuilding Corporation .

  5. 船厂数控切割机两轴联动伺服控制器的PC模板化设计

    PC Board Design of a Two Linked Shafts Servo Controller for CNC Cutting Machine Used by Shipyards

  6. 中小型船厂推广CO2气体保护焊存在的问题与对策

    Problem about spreading CO_2 gas shielded arc welding and its countermeasure in small and medium sized shipyard

  7. abc船厂项目贷款余额变动表?

    Loan balance change statement of the ABC shipbuilding factory project ?

  8. 6.shipyardn.造船厂一艘新型的远洋货轮正在那家船厂建造。

    A new-type ocean-going freighter is being laid down at that shipyard .

  9. MDT三维造型技术在船厂的相关应用

    Some applications of MDT 3D modeling technology in the shipyard

  10. 2008版ISO9001标准在船厂转换应用的对策研究

    Study on the countermeasures in the conversion applications about ISO9001:2008 in shipyards

  11. 建造贡多拉的船厂只有三个,去中最著名的是SquerodiSanTrovaso。

    Gondolas are built at one of just three remaining boatyards , of which the Squero di San Trovaso is the most famous .

  12. 然后,对精益分工的概念、方法、流程进行了介绍,并始终结合RS船厂人事部的实际情况。

    Then , the concepts , methods , process of lean job analysis are introduced , combined with the actual situation in RS Personnel Department .

  13. LSD液压同步提升系统在船厂龙门起重机安装工程中的应用

    Application of LSD Hydraulic Synchronic-lifting Mechanism in the Installation of Gantry Crane

  14. 本论文最后分析了世界LNG造船的建造能力,并给出选择LNG船造船厂的原则。

    In the final to this paper , the capacities of LNG shipyard of the world and the principle to select the shipyard are given .

  15. 主要讨论舰船维修系统基于Agent技术的建模与仿真,给出船厂Agent的特征模型和舰船技术状态的环境模型,对船厂Agent的活动机制进行研究。

    We have discussed the modeling and simulation of warship maintains system based on Agent , studied the mechanism of action , the feature modeling of naval marine yard and the environment modeling of warship technique state are given .

  16. 基于T-RBAC的船厂工作流访问控制模型的研究

    Research on Access Control Model in Shipyard Workflow Based on T-RBAC

  17. HubertTang表示,鉴于船舶运营商和船主们现在都在抢购新船,因此我们认为新船厂竣工乃重大利好消息。

    ' In view of the current shopping spree by ship owners and operators , we believe this is a particularly positive development , 'he says .

  18. 新船厂于今年10月竣工,较计划提前了4个月。瑞士银行分析师HubertTang认为此可谓该公司的一大利好。

    The yard was completed in October , four months ahead of schedule , something that UBS analyst Hubert Tang sees as a coup for the company .

  19. 从中小船厂应用AutoCAD的实际情况出发,阐述了渔船型线的特点及其数学型线的建立方法。

    Considered some actual conditions that the AutoCAD is popularly used in small and middle ship yards , the characteristics lines of fishing vessels are described , and the mathematical equations are established .

  20. 本文的研究结果为RS船厂系统集成提供了理论指导,同时也值得其他船企借鉴。

    The findings of this article not only provide a theoretical guidance to the system integration in RS Shipyard , but also it is worth to learn something from that to other shipbuilding enterprises .

  21. 当年我出生时,泰恩河(Tyne)上有23家造船厂。

    When I was born , there were 23 shipyards on the river Tyne .

  22. 这两款软件的应用优势各有千秋,又呈互补趋势,因此很多船厂开始同时引进Tribon和Rhino。

    The application advantages of the two software each has his strongpoint , so many shipyard begins to introduce Tribon and Rhino .

  23. 6月,韩国船厂在让位给中国竞争对手两年后,重新摘得造船市场最大份额的桂冠,韩国企业聚焦于液化天然气(lng)运输船等需求保持强劲的船型。

    In June , South Korean yards regained the top spot in market share two years after losing it to China by focusing on LNG carriers , among others , for which demand remains strong .

  24. 日本、韩国船厂均有设计建造VLCC的丰富经验,在造船行业长期处于垄断地位。

    The shipyards of Japan and Korea have monopolized the VLCC industry for a long time for their abundant experience of design and building VLCC .

  25. 在泰坦尼克号沉没100周年纪念日的几周后,克莱夫·帕尔默向外界宣称,本周一他和中国国营的CSC金陵船厂签订了合作备忘录,准备踏上建造泰坦尼克II号的征途。

    Weeks after the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the original Titanic , Clive Palmer announced Monday he has signed a memorandum of understanding with state-owned Chinese company CSC Jinling Shipyard to build the Titanic II .

  26. 扬子江船厂控股有限公司(YangzijiangShipbuildingHoldingsLtd.)今年4月在新加坡上市以来,凭藉中国经济的强劲增长以及造船业的繁荣兴旺吸引到了大批投资者。

    SINCE GETTING LISTED in Singapore in April , China-based Yangzijiang Shipbuilding ( Holdings ) has drawn a wave of investors as a play on the hot Chinese economy and boom-times in the business .

  27. 咨询机构IRC董事总经理彼得•巴塞洛缪(PeterBartholomew)表示:韩国船厂的生产率遥遥领先,而中国只是以廉价劳动力来弥补不足。

    Peter Bartholomew , managing director of consultancy IRC , said : The productivity in the Korean yards is vastly ahead and China only makes up for it by cheap labour .

  28. 国营西江船厂为柬埔寨建造的多艘援外船,全船水泵采用喷涂SEBF防腐技术。

    SEBF anticorrosion technology is used on all pumps on many ships built by state-run Xijiang Shipyard for Cambodia .

  29. 船厂经理LeeJong-cheon表示:我们有大量未交付的定单,今后两年半都会忙碌不已。

    We have order backlogs that will keep us busy over the next two and a half years , said Lee Jong-cheon , a manager at the shipyard .

  30. 上个月,扬子江船厂宣布第三季度净利润较上年同期增长68%,达到人民币2.247亿元(合3040万美元),较DBS唯高达(DBSVickers)的预测高出30%。

    Last month , the company reported a68 % rise in third-quarter net profit from a year earlier to224.7 million yuan ( US $ 30.4 million ) & 30 % above DBS Vickers 's expectation .