
  1. 国内对MES的研究多集中于流程制造业,在船舶制造业方面的研究比较少。

    The domestic research about MES concentrated mostly on the process manufacturing industry , and the research on ship manufacturing is relatively small .

  2. 接着,构建了C-D生产函数的状态空间模型,运用该模型分析了固定资产、流动资产、技术和劳动四个生产要素对我国船舶制造业的产出的影响。

    Then , CD production function of the state space model is applied to analyze output elasticity of four factors of production : fixed assets , current assets , technology and labor .

  3. 船舶制造业属于劳动密集型、资金密集型、技术密集型产业。

    Shipbuilding industry is a labor-intensive , capital-intensive and also technology-intensive industry .

  4. 虚拟现实技术及其对船舶制造业的影响

    Effect of Virtual Reality Technique upon Shipbuilding Industry

  5. 产业定位临港产业、船舶制造业、重工、高新技术产业。

    Industrial orientation : Neighboring-port services , shipbuilding , heavy industry and Hi-tech industry .

  6. 切割依然是现代船舶制造业中非常重要的加工手段。

    Cutting is one of the most important process method in modern marine industry .

  7. 我国船舶制造业承接韩日产业转移研究

    Research on China 's Shipbuilding Industry Carrying on Industry Transfer from South Korea and Japan

  8. 并进一步介绍船舶制造业竞争力的评价理论与方法,为下文的分析山东省船舶制造业竞争力建立良好的理论基础。

    And further describes the evaluation of shipbuilding competitiveness theory and methods for the analysis below .

  9. 随着科学技术的发展,船舶制造业市场竞争越来越激烈。

    With the development of science and technology , ship manufacturing more and more intense market competition .

  10. 其次,运用国际竞争力指标分析了我国船舶制造业的国际竞争力水平。

    Indicators of international competitiveness analysis are used to analyze the state of international competitiveness of our shipbuilding industry .

  11. 在现代制造业尤其是汽车、船舶制造业中,切割是非常重要的加工手段。

    In the modern manufacturing , especially in the automobile and marine industries , cutting is an important process .

  12. 作为航运业及船舶制造业的关联产业,船舶配套业也同样遭遇了巨大危机与挑战。

    The ship matching industry , as related shipping and shipbuilding industry , also suffered a huge crisis and challenges .

  13. 亚洲可能面临进一步重组的其它行业包括建材、零售、半导体和船舶制造业。

    Other sectors in Asia facing the prospect of further restructuring include construction materials , retail , semi-conductors and shipbuilding .

  14. 得出了我国船舶制造业国际竞争力的来源和生产情况,并运用实际数据进行了解释。

    The sources of international competitiveness shipbuilding industry are discovered , and actual data is used to explain this result .

  15. 简要介绍了该体系下的计算机系统,为船舶制造业提供了一种切实可行的成本控制模式,对其它大型单件小批制造业也具有参考意义。

    Finally computer supported system is introduced briefly , it is a reference model for other large piece OKP manufacturing enterprises .

  16. 船舶制造业的产品形式也越来越趋向多样化,开始向多品种的批量生产发展。

    Product form of the shipbuilding industry is also a growing tendency to diversify and began development to mass production of many varieties .

  17. 第四章分析制约山东省船舶制造业竞争力的因素,为下文探索提高山东省船舶制造业竞争力的对策措施提供依据。

    Chapter ⅳ analyzes the factors which constraint competitiveness of Shandong Province shipbuilding industry , providing basis for the following exploration of countermeasures .

  18. 进入21世纪以来,中国海洋船舶制造业异军突起,在国际上的地位越来越高,尤其是2009年中国已超越韩国成为世界订单大国。

    Since the 21st century , Chinese Marine-ship suddenly emerges . Especially in 2009 , China has already become the world order-power overtaking Korea .

  19. 与世界航运业相伴而生的船舶制造业,也迎来了整体的大繁荣期。

    And the shipbuilding industry has stepped into a period of overall prosperity , which was born as the accompany of world shipping industry .

  20. 中国海洋船舶制造业快速发展带动了出口量的增加,目前在中国每年建造的船舶中有七成以上用于出口。

    The rapid development of Chinese Marine-ship industry leads to the increase in export , and over 70 % for export in the new ships .

  21. 从1866年船政局开办到1907年清朝决定停办船政局这短短的41年时间里,福州船政局为中国近代工业,尤其是为船舶制造业奠定了物质和技术基础。

    In the short history of 41 years , Foochow Dockyard has established the material and technological foundation of the shipping manufacture for modern Chinese industry .

  22. 构建山东省船舶制造业竞争力评价指标体系及模型,为下文研究其发展对策建立良好的实证基础。

    Evaluation index system and model are built for a sound evidence base of the study of the development of shipbuilding industry competitiveness in Shandong Province .

  23. 高功率激光焊接具有熔深大、热影响区小、生产效率高等优点,已成为国际船舶制造业最具潜力的制造技术之一。

    High power CO2 laser welding is now a potential technology in international shipbuilding industry because of its deep penetration , small heat-affected zone and high efficiency .

  24. 发展高性能船舶制造业的一个重要目标是提高船舶运行安全性的同时提高能源利用率。

    The most important goals in the development of shipbuilding industry are the improvement of the ship operational safety , as well as the energy source utilization rate .

  25. 降低行业进入壁垒,鼓励民间资本进入造船业,推进产业规模经营是中国船舶制造业发展的必然选择。

    The necessary choice of China shipbuilding industry development is to lower industry barrier , to encourage civil capital into the industry , and to enlarge industrial scale management .

  26. 随着船舶制造业竞争的日益激烈,提高效率和降低成本成为船舶制造企业面临的重要课题。

    As the composition in shipbuilding industry is becoming more and more fierce , to improve the efficiency and reduce costs is becoming an important issue for shipbuilding enterprises .

  27. 近年来,我国交通运输设备制造业得到了快速发展,尤其是其中的汽车制造业、船舶制造业及航空航天器制造业,发展势头更是迅猛。

    In recent years , transportation equipment manufacturing industry has maintained a high speed development , in particular , the automobile industry , ship manufacturing and aerospace manufacturing industries .

  28. 船舶制造业是装备制造业的典型代表,其发展需要多部门、多区域、多企业之间的密切配合。在此基础上船舶相关产业在空间布局上具有集聚性。

    Shipping manufacturing industry , which is a typical representative of the equipment manufacturing industry , its development needs of the cooperation between multi-sectoral , multi-regional , multi - enterprises .

  29. 第二章是对产业竞争力的内涵、船舶制造业竞争力的定义、影响因素的概述,以期更深刻地了解船舶制造业竞争力的实质。

    The second chapter is the connotation of industrial competitiveness , theoretical overview of the development and impact factors in order to gain deeper understanding of the shipbuilding industry competitiveness .

  30. 随着造船产业规模的不断扩大,造船市场的周期性波动以及国际金融危机等对船舶制造业发展产生不利影响日趋增加。

    With the constant expansion of shipbuilding industry , the impact of the cyclical fluctuations of shipbuilding market and the international financial crisis on the development of shipbuilding industry is increasing .