
  • 网络marine coatings;marine paint
  1. 环氧改性氟碳纳米复合船舶涂料的研制

    Development of epoxy-modified fluorocarbon nano-scale compound for marine coatings

  2. 高性能船舶涂料的开发

    Development of high - performance marine coatings

  3. 有机锡化合物已广泛应用于杀虫剂、船舶涂料、PVC塑料热稳定剂以及有机反应的均相催化剂等。

    Organotin compounds are widely used as biocides , coatings for ship , heat stabilizer for PVC plastic and homogeneous catalyst in organic reaction .

  4. 省水船闸初探省能型船舶涂料

    Preliminary Study on Water-saving Ship Lock Energy-conserving Marine Coatings

  5. 船舶涂料海洋大气暴露与室内加速试验模拟性研究

    Study of the Simulation of Marine Atmospheric Exposure with Lab Accelerated Test of Marine Coating Systems

  6. 介绍了新型船舶涂料的种类。

    Novel ship coatings were introduced .

  7. 是北美乃至整个美洲最大的建筑涂料、工业与船舶涂料供应商。

    North America and throughout the Americas is the largest architectural coatings , industrial coatings and ship suppliers .

  8. 介绍我国船舶涂料的市场情况,对今后几年的市场需求作了预测。

    The author introduces the market situation of Chinese ship coatings and forecasts market demand of oncoming years .

  9. 介绍了我国船舶涂料技术的进展、船舶涂装市场的发展以及存在的问题。

    The anti-rust and antifouling paint system for ship hull is one of the most important coatings system of marine paint .

  10. 我们正在招募多名技术直销人才补充我们的销售队伍,包括工业涂料和船舶涂料的销售主任。

    We are looking for various positions on our direct selling team including Sales Executive ( Shanghai ) for PC , Marine Sales Excutive .

  11. 其主要的应用是船舶防污涂料、农用杀虫剂和PVC稳定剂等。

    And it is mainly used to be marine antifouling coating , agricultural insecticide , and polyvinylchloride ( PVC ) stabilizer et al .

  12. 船舶防污涂料用树脂基料的发展及作用

    Development of Resin Binders Used for Antifouling Coatings and Its Working Mechanism

  13. 船舶防污涂料用新型防污剂的应用现状

    Present Application of Antifouling Agents in Marine Antifouling Coatings

  14. 船舶防污涂料的研究与发展

    Study and Development of Marine Antifouling Coatings

  15. 无有机锡自抛光船舶防污涂料

    Organotin-Free Self-Polishing Marine Antifouling Coatings

  16. 简要介绍船舶防污涂料的发展历程,并对几种新型无毒防污涂料的前景作了展望。

    Development of marine antifouling coatings was presented briefly and the prospect of new non - toxic antifouling coatings were reviewed .

  17. 重点论述目前船舶防污涂料的发展现状和性能特征,并对我军舰船防污技术应用与发展提出建议。

    In this paper the development and characteristic of marine antifouling coating are discussed , and some advices on our warship antifouling are given .

  18. 简要介绍了有机锡类防污涂料、含铜类低毒防污涂料、新型无毒防污涂料等船舶防污涂料的发展历程,展望了几种新型无毒防污涂料的前景。

    This article has briefly described the development history of antifouling marine coatings , and predicted the future prospect of a couple of new nontoxic antifouling coatings .

  19. 新型TF-SPC船舶防污涂料的研究有机锡化合物被用于工业、农业和海洋船舶防污涂料中,随水向水环境迁移。

    Study on Novel Tin-free Self-polishing Antifouling Marine Coating Organotin compounds were applied in the industrial , the agricultural and antipollution dope for the shipping , with transport into water body .

  20. 以船舶防污涂料的发展为例,从法规和公约的制定及贯彻角度,阐述了它们对技术进步和自主创新的推动作用。

    This paper narrates the driving function of acts and pacts on technical progress and independent innovations from the viewpoint of their make and carry out with antifouling ship coatings as examples .

  21. 对我国各种功能型涂料&防火涂料、地坪涂料、氟碳涂料、纳米复合涂料、伪装涂料、船舶防污涂料、重防腐涂料、卷材涂料、水性聚氨酯涂料和隔热涂料等的研究现状进行了概述。

    Research status of various functional domestic coatings such as fire-retardant coatings , floor coatings , fluorocarbon coatings , nano-scale composite coatings , camouflage coatings , marine antifouling coatings , heavy-duty corrosion resistant coatings , coil coatings , waterborne polyurethane coatings and thermal insulation coatings were summarized .

  22. 船舶重防腐涂料的现状和发展趋势

    Present Situation and Development Trend of Heavy-Duty Marine Paints

  23. 无气喷涂与船舶涂装铸型涂料的高压无气喷涂

    AIRLESS SPRAY AND SHIP PAINTING High Pressure Airless Spray of Foundry Mould Coating

  24. 船舶涂装与涂料选用

    Painting design and selection of paint for ship

  25. 从当前船舶重防腐涂料的涂料品种、应用特点及存在的问题等方面进行了论述,分析了国内外船舶重防腐涂料存在的差距及其发展趋势。

    The gap between heavy-duty marine paints home and abroad and development trend thereof are analyzed based on the catergories , application features , problems occurred and et al .

  26. 从涂料的重防腐化、水性化、环保化、无毒化、高固体分化等方面,综述了船舶防腐蚀涂料的国内外发展方向及重点研究领域。

    Development trends and key research fields of anti-corrosive marine paints home and abroad are reviewed in terms of heavy-duty anti-corrosion , waterborne , environment protection , innocuity , high-solid and et al .

  27. 叙述了船舶用防污涂料、吸波涂料、纳米隐身涂料、汽车涂料、防滑涂料等新型涂料的种类、研究现状和发展趋势。

    The categories , research situation and development trend of new type coatings in terms of antifouling marine coatings , wave-absorption coatings , nano-scale camouflage coatings , automobile coatings , skid-resistant coatings and et al are introduced .

  28. 我国船舶和重防腐涂料市场的现状及展望

    Current status and prospect of marine paint and heavy-duty anti-corrosive coatings in China

  29. 新世纪以来,我国造船业与船舶涂装业发展迅速,海洋船舶涂料越来越向功能化、长效性方向发展。

    In our country , the shipbuilding industry and ship coating industry developed rapidly since the new century . Coatings for ocean ship demand the property of functionality and long-acting performance .

  30. 文章对船舶金属腐蚀机理、形式及防止船舶腐蚀的方法进行了较为全面的分析,同时对船舶涂料的发展方向进行了探讨。

    The paper analyzes the corrosion mechanism and types of ship metals and its anti-corrosive methods , and probes into the developing trend of ship coating .