
  1. 那么,船舶模拟器的GPS模块,应具备哪些基本特点呢?

    As far as the GPS module of ship handling simulator is concerned , what are the basic characteristics of it ?

  2. 论文中首次采用微软公司新进推出的三维软件开发平台XNA来制作虚拟现实系统。此平台常用于开发电脑三维软件,而作为虚拟现实平台应用到船舶模拟器中尚属全新的一种尝试。

    It is the first time to use XNA as a VR development tools in this paper , which is a software released by Microsoft to design three dimensional program usually , and it is actually a new try to use XNA develop ship simulation system .

  3. 开发船舶模拟器非常有必要。

    To develop the Ship Simulator is very necessary .

  4. 船舶模拟器驾驶台仿真系统研究

    Study of Simulator for Ship Maneuvering Console

  5. 本文介绍了在船舶模拟器开发设计中采用的提高视景成像效率的算法。

    This paper presents algorithms of improving the efficiency of image generation in developing shiphandling simulators .

  6. 本课题是以海上救助船舶模拟器的应用开发为背景,针对其核心技术之一的船舶操纵运动数学模型的建立而展开研究。

    The thesis aims to conduct vessel maneuvering motion modeling and simulation in the background of salvage vessel simulator application .

  7. 目前随着交通部对救助作业人员需求的增加,现有的普通船舶模拟器已无法满足救助领域的研究需求。

    At present , with the Ministry of Transportation increased demand for salvage operation personnel , the existing ordinary ship simulator has been unable to meet the research needs of the rescue .

  8. 船舶操纵模拟器的应用研究一种ARM处理器仿真器的设计

    Application of Ship handling simulator Design of ARM Simulator

  9. 船舶操纵模拟器在上海LNG接收站码头方案选择中的应用

    Application of Ship Manoeuvring Simulator in the Selection of Shanghai LNG Reception Terminal Project

  10. 利用大连海事大学航海技术研究所提供的船舶操纵模拟器开发平台,采用Visualc++编程语言实现环境压力模型,在模拟器上实现环境压力的实时动态显示功能。

    Realize the Environmental Stress Model in the ship handling simulator to dynamically and timely display the Environmental Stress Value when simulation starts with the language of Microsoft Visual C + + ;

  11. 船舶操纵模拟器中CAGD设计与模拟算法

    CAGD design and simulation algorithm in ship manoeuvring simulator

  12. 利用船舶操纵模拟器提供的开发平台,采用MicrosoftvisualC++编程语言实现环境压力模型,使得在模拟器船舶运行过程中,操船者感受到的环境压力动态实时显示出来。

    This paper develops a software of the environmental stress model and its dynamic display by using Microsoft Visual C + + as well as the developing platform provided by the ship maneuvering simulator .

  13. Polaris船舶操纵模拟器中雷达回波的生成研究

    Analysis on the Generation of Radar Echo in Polaris Shiphandling Simulator

  14. 本文系统地论述了大连海事大学航海技术研究所研制的大型船舶操纵模拟器控制台接口电路系统的结构、设计与实现,以及控制台实现USB通信的部分工作。

    This article has systematically discussed structure and design of bridge console of large scale shiphandling simulator developed by the Nautical Science and Technology Institute of DaLian Maritime University , especially about its interface circuit , and part work of realization of USB communication in bridge console .

  15. 基于网络化技术的大型集装箱船舶轮机模拟器

    Large Container Ship Marine Engine Room Simulator Based on Networking Technology

  16. 大型船舶操纵模拟器控制台的结构与设计

    Structure and Design of Bridge Console of Large Scale Shiphandling Simulator

  17. 船舶操纵模拟器是一种典型的人在回路中的仿真(Man-In-the-Loop-Simulation)系统。

    Ship handling simulator is a typical kind of Man-ln-the-Loop simulation .

  18. 提高船舶操纵模拟器视景成像效率的算法设计

    Algorithms of Improving Efficiency of Image Generation for Ship handling Simulator

  19. 船舶操纵模拟器在“航海学”教学中的应用设想

    The tentative plan of application of SMS in " navigation "

  20. 船舶操纵模拟器三维视景的实用化研究

    The Practical Research on 3-D Scene in the Ship Handling Simulator

  21. 船舶操纵模拟器控制台通讯的软硬件设计

    Design Communication Software Hardware of Bridge Console of Ship Handling Simulator

  22. 高斯与墨卡托投影变换在船舶操纵模拟器中的应用

    Application of transformation between gauss-kruger projection and mercator projection in shiphandling simulator

  23. 大型船舶操纵模拟器的系统组成及分析

    Analysis of System Composition of Full Mission Ship Handling Simulator

  24. 船舶操纵模拟器视景系统中视点跟踪的实现

    Viewpoint tracking in the visual system of ship handling simulator

  25. 船舶操纵模拟器视景中的山形建模

    Modeling Method for Hills in Visual System of Shiphandling Simulator

  26. 现代集装箱船舶轮机模拟器主机仿真建模

    Simulation Modeling of the Main Engine of MERS in Modern Container Ship

  27. 基于船舶操纵模拟器的内河驾驶实操考试方案设计

    Design of Shiphandling Capability Examination for River Seafarer Based on Shiphandling Simulator

  28. 总体上满足船舶操纵模拟器的需求。

    Overall it can meet the needs of the ship maneuvering simulator .

  29. 船舶操纵模拟器环幕投影误差分析

    The Analysis of Projection Error in Ship Handling Simulator

  30. 该系统已经作为新一代大型船舶轮机模拟器的仿真子系统投入应用。

    This system has been applied to new type marine power plant simulator .