
tǐng zhǎng
  • Captain;coxswain
艇长[tǐng zhǎng]
  1. 那个潜艇艇长有个类似于潜望镜之类的东西。

    The captain of the submarine has got this periscope thing .

  2. 这只艇以3艇长之差得胜。

    The boat won by three lengths .

  3. “艇长”两个字里透出了前所未有的敬意。

    The word " captain " resonates with new respect .

  4. 艇长催促航信士官给他识别手册。

    The captain harried the quarter master for recognition manuals .

  5. 艇长拍了拍蓝黄色的航海图。

    The captain tapped the blue and yellow chart .

  6. 救生艇长:检查旅客装备情况并报告。

    Lifeboatmen ! Check the outfit of the passengers at assembly stations and report .

  7. 艇长曾很厉害地压制他。

    The captain had ridden him hard .

  8. 他也正莫名其妙呢。一会儿他要找那个艇长谈谈去。

    He 's mighty puzzled and he 's going down there later to talk to the skipper .

  9. 美国人:我是美国海军舰艇艇长,我再说一遍,你必须改变航线。

    Americans : This is the Captain of a US Navy ship . I say again , divert YOUR course .

  10. 艇长曾很厉害地压制他。她有生以来没有人那么厉害地跟她顶过嘴。

    The captain had ridden him hard . She had never been so much contradicted in all her life before .

  11. 在你尚未意识到的时候,艇长就已经被一个与你一起被困在这个船上的恐怖怪物活活吃掉了,而这才是你的麻烦的开始。

    Before you know it the Captain is eaten alive by the cargo , a horrific monster with whom you are trapped aboard the submarine .
