
  • 网络Acer mono;Acer mono Maxim
  1. 林分密度从404株/hm2降至387株/hm2,而基础面积从44.83hm2降至43.79hm2。除色木槭之外,冠层林木的株数降低。

    Stand density was reduced from 404 to 387 stem / hm 2 , and basal area from 44 83 to 43 79 hm 2.All species in high canopy layer except Acer mono decreased in number of stems .

  2. 林隙填充中,紫椴和色木槭的数量最多,红松所占比例较小。

    Gap fillers were mostly Tilia amurense and Acer mono , whereas Pinus koraiensis in a smaller number .

  3. 利用光照喷雾装置,采用ABT生根粉处理色木槭半木质化嫩枝,在不同基质内进行色木槭嫩枝扦插试验。

    A softwood cutting test of Acer mono was conducted which adopted method of treating semi - lignified cuttings by ABT rooting powder and spraying with light installation .

  4. 色木槭开花习性与幼果发育的观察与研究

    Observation and research on blooming characteristics and fruit development of Acer mono

  5. 阔叶树截留降雨试验与模型&以色木槭为例

    An Experiment and Model of Interception by Broad_Leaved Tree : a Case Study of Acer mono

  6. 结果发现:色木槭一期雄花(雄I)在大孢子四分体退化形成功能性大孢子时期,子房萎缩并迅速退化消失;

    Our main results were as follows : the ovary of male I degenerated and disappeared quickly upon megaspore tetrad degeneration , and developed into macrosporocytes ;

  7. 浓密的植被的叶子中能截留大量的降水。阔叶树截留降雨试验与模型&以色木槭为例

    Heavy vegetation may intercept a large amount of precipitation on its leaves . An Experiment and Model of Interception by Broad_Leaved Tree : a Case Study of Acer mono