
  • 网络pigmented dermatoses
  1. Q开关倍频Nd:YAG激光治疗浅表色素性皮肤病

    Treatment of Epidermal Pigmented Dermatoses with frequency - Doubled Q-Switched Nd : YAG Laser

  2. 目的:探讨Q开关倍频Nd:YAG激光治疗浅表色素性皮肤病的临床效果。

    Objective : To study the clinical effect of epidermal pigmented dermatoses treated by the frequency - doubled Q - switched Nd : YAG laser .

  3. Q开关紫翠宝石激光治疗4656例色素性皮肤病临床分析

    Clinical Efficacy of Q-Switched Alexandrite Laser for Pigmentary Skin Diseases in 4656 Patients

  4. Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗色素性皮肤病5000例疗效观察

    Clinical survey of the pigmented dermatosis treated by Q-switched Nd : YAG laser

  5. MedliteⅣ美肤激光治疗仪治疗色素性皮肤病的疗效和不良反应

    Treatment of Pigmented Dermatosis with Medlite ⅳ Laser System : an Analysis of Its Effect and Side Effect

  6. 结论MedliteⅣ激光治疗仪治疗色素性皮肤病疗效好,不良反应发生率低。

    Conclusions Medlite ⅳ laser system could treat pigmented dermatosis and obtain excellent results with low side effect .

  7. 目的:观察调和气血复方及单味中药对体外培养黑素细胞(MC)和酪氨酸酶(TYR)活性的影响,阐明调和气血法治疗色素性皮肤病的机制。

    Objective To investigate the effect of regulation of qi and the blood drugs ( RD ) and compound prescription ( RP ) on melanocytes ( MC ) and tyrosinase activity ( TC ) in vitro , and discuss its therapeutic mechanism for pigmented diseases .

  8. 全颜面喷雾冷冻治疗面部色素性皮肤病

    Treatment of facial pigment diseases with full face cryo surgical spray

  9. 国产Q-开关红宝石激光治疗色素性皮肤病疗效观察

    Observe the therapeutic effect in the patients with pigmentary disorders treated with Q-switched ruby laser

  10. 目的:探索如何获得不同色素性皮肤病的清晰图像,研制出操作简单、自动化与精度高的皮肤图像分析系统。

    Objective : to obtain the distinct image of various pigment dermatosis , and develop The skin image analysis system with uncomplicated operation , high automatic and accuracy .

  11. 调Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗375例色素增加性皮肤病的护理探讨

    Nursing Exploration of Q Switched Nd : YAG Laser Treating 375 Cases of Patients with Hyperpigmented Skin Diseases

  12. 白癜风是一种临床常见的慢性色素障碍性皮肤病,主要由病变部位黑素细胞的缺失或功能丧失引起。

    Vitiligo is a common chronic depigmentation skin disorder , mainly caused by the melanocyte absence or loss of function .

  13. 临床上倾向于多种不同机制的脱色剂联合应用治疗色素增多性皮肤病。

    In clinicals , doctors trend to combine utilizing more depigmenting agents with different mechanism to treat hyperpigmentational skin disease .

  14. 目的:为了研究中药对酪氨酸酶活性影响,用中药治疗色素障碍性皮肤病提供实验依据。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of traditional Chinese medicine on tyrosinase activity for the purpose of treating pigmentary disorders of thd skin with reliable experimental evidence .

  15. 白癜风是一种常见的色素脱失性皮肤病,全世界发病率约为1%-2%[1]。

    Vitiligo is an acquired and progressive disorder manifested by circumscribed depigmented patches on the skin . It affects approximately 0.1 to 2.0 % of the world population [ 1 ] .

  16. 白癜风是一种常见的慢性色素脱失性皮肤病,近年来发病率有增多的趋势,但其病因及发病机制至今仍尚未完全明确。

    Vitiligo is known as a chronic , common depigmentation disorder . In recent years , the incidence rate is growing . However , the etiology and pathogenesis of vitiligo is still not completely known yet .

  17. 检索维普中文期刊全文数据库1995-01/2006-03与参苓白术和色素增加性皮肤病相关的文章,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词参苓白术散,酪氨酸酶,色素增加性皮肤病。

    The Vip database was researched for articles of shenling baizhu linimentum and hyperpigmentation disorders published from January 1995 to March 2006 in Chinese with the key words of " shenling baizhu linimentum , tyrosinase , hyperpigmentation disorders " .

  18. CD4、CD8和γ受体在色素性紫癜性皮肤病T细胞中的表达

    Expression of CD4 , CD8 and Receptor γ of T Cell in Pigmented Purpuric Dermatoses

  19. 肝素钠软膏(海普林)治疗色素性紫癜性皮肤病疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect of Heparin Sodium Cream for the Treatment of Pigmentary Purpuric Dermatitis

  20. 白癜风是一种色素生成障碍性皮肤病,症状为皮肤出现局限性或泛发性色素脱失斑,皮损处黑色素的生成减少或消失。

    Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder disease , the clinical presentation is circumscribed or generalized depigmented macule , melanin decreases or loses in epidermis .

  21. 目的:白癜风是一种常见的后天性色素脱失性皮肤黏膜病,我国人群发病率约为0.1%-2%。

    Objective : Vitiligo is a common acquired depigmentation of the skin and mucous membrane disease , the incidence rate of population is about 0.1 % to 2 % .

  22. 高能脉冲激光治疗色素性和血管性皮肤病临床观察

    Clinical survey of the pigmented and hyperplastic vascular dermatosis treated by the high energy pulse laser

  23. 目的:探讨多波长高能脉冲激光治疗色素性及血管性皮肤病的临床疗效及其影响因素。

    Objective To observe the clinical effects and the related factors of the pigmented and hyperplasic vascular dermatosis treated by multi-wavelength high energy pulse laser .

  24. 结论:多波长高能脉冲激光治疗色素性及血管性皮肤病疗效较好,安全性高。

    Conclusion The multi-wavelength high energy pulse laser has been proven to be effective and safe in the treatment of pigmented and hyperplasic vascular dermatosis .

  25. 前言:目的:探讨皮肤镜在色素性和非色素性皮肤病的临床诊断中的应用价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the value of dermoscopy in the clinical diagnosis of pigmented and non-pigmented lesions .

  26. 色素分析软件在评估色素性皮肤病及其疗效中的应用

    Application of computer analysis software system on measurement and analysis of pigmentation diseases

  27. 结论:经临床观察,Q-开关红宝石激光治疗东方人皮肤含有较多色素的面部浅表色素性皮肤病同样安全有效。

    Oriental Expression Appraise on Ruby RUBY & SAPPHIRE Conclusion : Q-switched Ruby laser was secure and excellent in curing oriental facial epidermal pigmented dermatoses .

  28. 现代研究认为皮肤产生过量的黑色素是引起黄褐斑、黑色素瘤等色素沉着性皮肤病的主要因素,而酪氨酸酶是黑色素生物合成过程的关键酶。

    Modern studieds indicated that excessive production of melanin is the main reason of these skin diseases and tyrosinase is the key enzyme in biosynthesis of melanin .