
  • 网络Artistic creativity;Art Attack
  1. 我对现在的一些所谓艺术创意的表现感到震惊。

    I 'm appalled at what is presented as creativity .

  2. 论城市景观光文化的艺术创意与表现

    A Theory of the Urban Landscape Light of Artistic Creativity and Performance

  3. 橱窗设计艺术创意(一)&运动休闲篇

    Art and Design for Show Windows (ⅰ) & A canto for sport and recreation

  4. 艺术创意的设计素描

    The Designing Sketch of Artistic Creativity

  5. 此次整体性的议题规划,彰艺术创意与环境的完美结合。

    The whole plan of this show is a perfect combination of creative arts and environment .

  6. 秉承艺术创意、变生活、牌价值、您分享的理念。

    Continue Heritage Conception of Art Creation , Change Life , Trademarks Value , Share with You !

  7. 在现代设计教学中,教师处在一个艺术创意、新的传媒形式以及一项复杂的技术传授的交接点上。

    Whose education has put the teachers to the joint of art creation , New media and complicated technological teaching .

  8. 最后,运用分类学相关方法对现代图形的表现方法进行了分类,显示出现代图形艺术创意中所蕴含的造型智慧。

    In the end , the expressing methods of modern graphics are classified and the wisdom of modern graphic arts are shown .

  9. 家具展示中的灯饰艺术创意(一)&第十二届东莞国际名家具展灯饰艺术掠影

    Art of Lamps in the Furniture Expo & Art of lamps in the 12 ~ ( th ) Dongguan Famous Brand Furniture Fair

  10. 因此探讨平面设计中视觉符号的音乐感表达有助于平面设计创意思维的开发,有助于开拓艺术创意思维的新途径。

    Therefore explore Plane Design visual symbols music feeling expression help graphic design creative thinking development , help pioneering arts creative thinking new ways .

  11. “莫干山50号”是上海目前最大的艺术创意园区,并成了上海城市的一个文化概念和文化符号。

    The " No50 of Moganshan " is the biggest art originality garden at present , and it also becomes a culture concept and symbol of shanghai .

  12. 创意产业是文化艺术创意和尖端科技产品融合的新兴产业,包括影视、出版、音乐、艺术、时尚设计、软件游戏、广告、建筑设计等13个行业。

    Creative industry is the new industry compromised by culture art creative and sophisticated science and technology products , including movie , publication , music , art , etc.

  13. 时尚文化产业是当前所有产业中发展最快的产业,从影视制作、到工业设计、城市建设、艺术创意等,文化创意产业在中国各个领域已经全面崛起。

    From film and television to industrial design , urban construction , creative arts , cultural and creative industries in China in various fields has been fully rise .

  14. 南昌玮希国际学校将致力于创造一个让老师和学生共同追求学问、施展艺术创意和进行各类体育活动、充满活力的社区。

    Nanchang WES Academy ( NWA ) aims to become a vibrant community consisting of students and staff who strive for excellence in academic pursuits , arts and sports activities .

  15. 不过,夫妻俩将旅程包装成哈尔托先生的艺术创意灵感之旅,并承诺归来后展览途中的摄影作品和拼贴画等艺术作品,钻了规定的空子。

    But the couple framed the journey as creative inspiration for Mr. Harteau 's art and promised an exhibition of his photography , collages and other artwork upon their return , thereby skirting the rule .

  16. 介绍了观察习惯与敏感度的养成,并从基地勘察等进行执行,指出艺术创意的运用加上技术问题的兼顾,才能创造出理想的公共艺术作品。

    It illustrates concepts of several nouns in public arts , introduces cultivation of observatory habits & sensitive feeling , implements exploration in foundation , and points out that usage of art creation adding technology creates ideal works of public arts .

  17. 在明确了平面广告设计与设计软件的关系的基础上,得出结论:艺术创意是软件技术的灵魂,软件技术是艺术创意的表现手段。

    On the basis of specifying the relationship between plane advertisement design and design software , this article draws the conclusion that : artistic creativity is the soul of software technology , the software technology is the manifestation means of artistic creativity .

  18. 青少年文化艺术和创意中心位于乌干达的坎帕拉,在刚果有一个代表部门。

    The cultural art and creative youth centre is based in Kampala , Uganda with a representative office in Congo .

  19. 实现艺术、创意和商业融生的城市梦想需要的是一种杂的状态和方向。

    Achieving artistic , creative and commercial financial health of the urban dream of need is a complicated state and direction .

  20. 当然还是要检查状况,如果你要卖出一件艺术或创意作品,你的前景将极大改善。

    Check facts , of course , but your prospects will be greatly improved if you are selling an artistic or creative work .

  21. 将小洲创意产业集聚区定位为以古村落环境为基础,以多元创意生态为特色的国内知名原创艺术文化创意产业集聚空间和创意阶层孵化基地。

    Whose orientation is become the well-known that original art creative industrial agglomeration areas with multi-ecological characteristics based on the ancient village environment .

  22. 我们非常感谢大学教育资助委员会、民政事务局和政府产业署对浸大推广视觉艺术和创意文化计划的支持。

    We would like to thank the UGC , the Home Affairs Bureau and the Government Property Agency for backing our visual arts and creative education projects .

  23. 在此基础上,与当前我国社会经济转型阶段的时代背景相结合,就新媒体艺术与创意产业结合的可能性进行探讨。

    Based on this and combing with our social background in the stage of the economical transition , the article discusses the possibility of the combination of the new media art and the creative industry .

  24. 在科技的发展、民族意识的增强、社会的进步及各学科交叉发展的大环境下,对环境艺术设计创意多元化的探索仍然具有积极的效用。

    The exploration of pluralism of creative environment art design still has positive utility with the development of technology , the increase of national awareness , the advance of society and the development of various inter-disciplines .

  25. 本课题通过对城市景观光文化的研究,探求和深化从光文化的层面对光环境艺术的创意和表现方法,从而诠释对光文化的理论与实践体系的认识。

    The topic of urban landscape through the study of light and culture , and explore and deepen the level of culture from the optical light environment for artistic creativity and expression , and thus the interpretation of optical theory and practice of cultural systems .

  26. 针对我国艺术文化创意产业正蓬勃发展的现状,我国当代小画廊正在不断涌现,而其中最具代表性和鲜明特征的即为北京798艺术区内的小画廊。

    In view of the situation that the artistic and cultural creativity industry is booming at present , the contemporary small gallery is emerging in our country . With striking features , the small gallery of Beijing 798 Art Zone turns to be the most representative one .

  27. 概念艺术如何引进创意过程。

    In which conceptual art can actually feed into the creative process .

  28. 在广告制作层面强调艺术性与创意性。

    Focuses on artistic and creative advertising . 4 .

  29. 灵动的绿韵(上)&室内艺术插花设计创意

    Bouncing Green Rhyme & Interior art of ikebana

  30. 云飞内画艺术院集创意、培训、生产、销售为一体。

    The business scope of YunFei Art School arranges from designing , producing , selling to training .