
  1. 众多外国公司,从视频游戏制造商任天堂(Nintendo)和索尼(Sony),到伦敦金属交易所(LME)和全球艺术品拍卖行,立即表达了极大的热情。

    Immediately , a wide range of foreign companies , ranging from video-game makers Nintendo and Sony , to the London Metals Exchange and global art auction houses , began expressing visible enthusiasm .

  2. 问:它是否意味着艺术品拍卖行未来的经营格局将是传统的现场拍卖加上网络竞拍呢?

    Does that mean that art auction houses of the future will need brick-and-mortar expertise combined with online capabilities ?

  3. 但现年60岁的马文斐觉得,作为全球最大艺术品拍卖行的佳士得在现代科技方面落后于人。

    But the 60-year-old thinks the company , the largest art auction house in the world , is lagging behind when it comes to contemporary technology .

  4. 伦敦拍卖行乐意满足他们的需求:雅典19世纪和20世纪艺术品拍卖在苏富比拍卖行和邦汉姆斯拍卖行取得了巨大的成功。

    The London auction houses were happy to supply what they wanted , and the sales of Greek art from the19th and20th centuries at Sotheby 's and Bonhams have been hugely successful .