
  • 网络artistic beauty;fine art
  1. 艺术美是每个声乐表演者所追求的目标。

    Therefore , artistic beauty is pursued by each Vocal Performance .

  2. 艺术美和社会性相统一。

    4th , artistic beauty and the social disposition is unified .

  3. 虚拟现实系统中的艺术美与技术美研究

    Research on Art Aesthetics and Technology Aesthetics in Virtual Reality System

  4. 论广告中的技术美与艺术美

    The Research on the Technological Beauty and Artistical Beauty of Advertisement

  5. 美的根源在于自然,自然美高于艺术美。

    The beauty of nature was better than that of art .

  6. 抱歉,我顾着欣赏你的艺术美。

    Sorry . I guess I was too busy admiring your artistry .

  7. 自然美与艺术美:谁高谁低儒家与道家自然美文艺思想之比较

    Comparison of Confucianist and Taoist Literature and Art Thoughts of Natural Beauty

  8. 杨朔散文艺术美

    Views on the artistic beauty of Yang Shuo 's proses

  9. 其三,着力研究了晚明传奇女性形象的艺术美。

    Chapter Three highlights arts beauty behind those female images .

  10. 三毛作品的艺术美赏析

    Appreciation of the Works of San Mao for Artistic Beauty

  11. 意境:中国传统艺术美的存在方式

    Artistic conception : the being of beauty in traditional art of China

  12. 纸器包装造型设计的艺术美与技术美

    Artistic Beauty and Technological Beauty of Paper Package Structure Design

  13. 狂怪美是艺术美的一种表现形式,是书法创新过程中的一种产物,带有强烈的浪漫主义色彩。

    Fantastic Wildness is a form of artistic beauty in calligraphy practice .

  14. 浅谈体验数学教学中的艺术美

    A Brief Talk on Art Enjoyment in Maths Teaching

  15. 论雨果长篇小说的冲突艺术美

    Discussion on Conflicting Beauty in Victor Hugo 's Novels

  16. 以形传神的中国艺术美

    The Beauty of Chinese Art from Form to Magic

  17. 在油画创作中,艺术美是必然的。

    In oil painting , artistic beauty is inevitable .

  18. 意境是构成商品包装艺术美的要素。

    The mood and atmosphere is the elements of product packages art beauty .

  19. 论钱钟书早期诗歌的艺术美

    The Artistic Beauty Of Qian Zhongshu 's Early Poems

  20. 从真实谈艺术美的追求

    Discussing the Pursuit of Artistic Beauty through Authenticity

  21. 艺术美与现实美的四大区别

    Four Major Differences Between Artistic and Realistic Beauty

  22. 艺术家的意识可以赋予自然新的形式,创造出一个自足的世界,因此他认为艺术美超越自然美。

    He believes that artists reshape nature consciously and can create a self-sufficient world .

  23. 钟嵘论诗歌艺术美

    On Art Beauty of Poesy by ZHONG Rong

  24. 传统山水画创造艺术美的规律

    On Aesthetics Law of Chinese Traditional Landscape Painting

  25. 他提倡文学的独立的艺术美和无形的功利。

    Zhou advocated the artistic beauty of individuals and bodiless utility at that time .

  26. 美的领域有社会美、自然美、艺术美等。

    The scope of beauty contains social beauty , natural beauty and art beauty .

  27. 用丑景也能创造出艺术美&从一句诗的评价析一条重要的艺术原则

    Ugly Scenes Can Also Produce Artistic Beauty

  28. 语文课文中的美,归根结底是一种语言艺术美。

    After all , the beauty in the text is the beauty of language art .

  29. 论《离骚》冲突的艺术美

    On Art Beauty of Li Sao Conflict

  30. 和乐而不失威仪&《诗经》校园礼仪诗的艺术美

    Harmonious and majestic & Artistic beauty of campus rite poems in the book of songs