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  • 熟语calligraphy and painting are of the same origin
  1. 书画同源吗?&我对书画同源和书画异源的异议中国同宗民歌琐议

    On the Chinese Folk Songs of the Same Source

  2. 事故泄漏源模型研究与分析释读书画同源&对汉字与绘画在起源上的关系的一点看法

    Progress of accidental release source and mechanism models Release to Read " the Calligraphy and Painting is a Source Together "

  3. 中国自古有就书画同源之说,研究显示,字体与图形有着相同的源头。

    China has a " font and painting both have the same Origin " said long ago , but research shows that , font originated in the graphic pictures .

  4. 书画同源的理论早在唐朝就已经提出,只是以理论的形式存在,或在局部画面上能够做到一致。

    The theory of the common origin of calligraphy and painting had been put forward as early as Tang Dynasty , but it only existed in term of theory , or partially .

  5. 本文从书画同源这个题目入手,研究中国画艺术与中国传统文化之间的关系,从中华传统书画艺术的角度去挖掘中国传统文化的精髓。

    In this article , it is discussed that painting and calligraphy is from fountain , between the traditional culture and traditional art , which impresses the soul of the Chinese traditional culture .

  6. 提出中国画有着线的意志,尽管用线是所有古文明的共性,书画同源也非中国古代所独有。

    Although using line was common to all the ancient civilizations , and painting and calligraphy had the same origin was not peculiar to Chinese ancient civilization , linear spirit in traditional Chinese painting was presented .

  7. 由于书法与绘画工具相同,行笔也有某种共同性,因而唐代的张彦远提出了书画同源的观点。

    Calligraphy and painting as a result of the same tools , the pen has some kind of commonality , and the Tang Dynasty Zhang Yan Yuan proposed the " homologous painting " point of view .

  8. 书画同源的完整意思应当是同宗同源,同笔同法、同美同意。

    Therefore " the Same Source of Painting and Calligraphy " totally means " of the same clan and origin "," the same method of writing and strokes " and " the same beauty and will " .

  9. 由于书画同源,以及两者在达意抒情上都和骨法用笔、线条运行有着紧密的联结,因此绘画同书法、篆刻之间有着密切的联系。

    As homologous paintings , as well as two in the lyric to convey his ideas on all of a pen and bone lines running close association , painting with calligraphy , seal carving has maintained close ties .

  10. 书画艺术同源发展,但文人之书与文人之画的发展却有先后之别。书法的笔画简化到八种不同的笔画模式。

    The calligraphy art and painting art of literatus derived from the same origin , but calligraphy of literatus and the painting of literatus did not develop at the same time . These stroke patterns are reduced to eight different strokes in calligraphy .