
  • 网络bibliographic information
  1. 评《书目情报需求与服务组织》

    Assessment on ' Bibliographic Information Requirement and Service Organization '

  2. 高校图书馆数字书目情报服务的新特点

    New Features of Digital Bibliographic Information Service in University Library

  3. 医院图书馆书目情报需求与服务

    The Demand on and Service of Bibliography Information in Hospital Library

  4. 书目情报在网络信息导航中的智能性应用研究

    Study on the Intelligence of Bibliography Information in Internet Information Navigation

  5. 音乐期刊书目情报服务的探讨

    My Opinion On Serving the Bibliography Information of Music Periodical

  6. 论书目情报服务的科学发展观

    Discussion on the Conception of Scientific Development of the Bibliographic Information Service

  7. 论书目情报服务的社会化问题

    On the Problem about the Socializtion of Bibliographic Information Service

  8. 西北地区高校图书馆网络书目情报服务研究

    Research on Online Bibliography Information Service of University Libraries in the Northwest

  9. 数字化书目情报服务与资源共享。

    The digital bibliographic information services and resources sharing .

  10. 高校学科馆员与书目情报服务

    Subject Specialist and Information Services in Colleges and Universities

  11. 网络环境下深化书目情报服务的思考

    Thoughts on Deepening Bibliographical Information Service under Network Environment

  12. 80年代以来我国书目情报理论研究之进展

    The Development of the Theoretical Study of Bibliographical Information in China Since 1980s

  13. 焦点与分歧何在&对书目情报理论问题的述评

    The Focus and Differences & A Review on the Theory of Bibliographical Information

  14. 剖析书目情报理论(续三)

    An Analysis of Bibliographic Information Theory ( Part & III of the Continuation )

  15. 剖析书目情报理论&对书目情报理论的理性批判

    An Analysis of Bibliographic Information Theory & A Rational Criticism on Bibliographic Information Theory

  16. 试论书目情报的教育职能

    Research on the Educational Function of Bibliographic Information

  17. 江苏省高职院校图书馆书目情报服务的调查与分析

    Research and Analysis on Bibliography Information Services of Higher Vocational Colleges in Jiangsu Province

  18. 网络环境下新乡市高校图书馆书目情报服务现状调查

    Investigation of bibliography information service present situation of Xinxiang University Library Under the network environment

  19. 文本书目情报的研究

    Study on Bibliographic Information of Text

  20. 书目情报分时联机检索系统

    Online Retrieval of Bibliographic Information Timeshared

  21. 网络环境下传统的书目情报服务方式正面临着新的挑战。

    Under network environment , the method of traditional bibliographic information service is encountered with new challenges .

  22. 对我国独特的书目情报理论的产生、形成、内容、范围、成就、失误、地位、作用、前途等问题作了初步探讨与概括。

    Makes an initial inquiry and summary on the emergence and development of the bibliographic information theory .

  23. 在传统与未来之间:我国书目情报服务组织与管理的变革

    From the Tradition the Future : Reforming the Systemof Organization and Management About the Bibliographical Information Service in China

  24. 书目情报服务是信息服务业的重要组成部分,因而提高书目情报服务质量有着重要的意义。

    Bibliography information service is an important part of information service , so it is great importance to improve it .

  25. 对目前有关书目情报理论问题的讨论作简略介绍与评论。

    A brief introduction to and a comment on the discussion of " the theory of bibliographical information " are presented .

  26. 最后,介绍两种基于知识组织智能化和现代书目情报活动的书目情报系统。

    In the end , the paper introduces two kinds of bibliographic information systems that base on intelligential knowledge organization and modern bibliographic information activity .

  27. 书目情报的实质是元知识,即关于知识的知识;书目情报工作实际上就是元知识管理,亦即元知识的生产、组织与服务。

    And the essence of bibliographic information work is meta-knowledge management , which includes the meta-knowledge production , the meta-knowledge organization and the meta-knowledge service .

  28. 通过甘书目情报在智能导航中具体应用的分析,进一步说明了网络时代书目情报工作的重要地位。

    By analyzing the specific applications on the bibliography information in intelligent navigation , it narrates the important position of bibliography information in network times .

  29. 在此基础上,分析知识组织智能化与现代目录学的关系,认为现代书目情报活动的实质是知识组织,知识组织智能化是现代目录学的基本特征。

    The authors consider that the essential of modern bibliographic information activity is knowledge organization , and intelligential knowledge organization is the basic character of modern bibliography .

  30. 文章分析了网络环境下书目情报服务的发展趋势,提出了改进和提高书目情报服务质量的途径。

    The article analyzes the trend of the bibliography information service under network environment , and puts up several measures to improve the quality of bibliography information service .