
shū mù suǒ yǐn
  • book index
  1. 要记住在论文最后列出参考书目索引。

    P : Remember to put on a reference list at the end of your dissertation .

  2. 从最初的索引从印刷机印出开始,图书馆和图书馆用户就期望简单地从书目索引直接获取一次文献。

    Librarians and library users have been wishing for simple access from bibliographic indexes to the text of the articles since the first index rolled off a printing press .

  3. 卡片目录就是图书馆中关于书目的索引。

    A card catalog is an index of books in a library .

  4. (有关某一专题或某一作者的著作的)书目,索引,文献

    List of books or articles about a particular subject or by a particular author

  5. 熟练的工作;这本书写得很熟练,有年代表、参考书目和索引。

    A competent job ; the book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index .

  6. 结文:指书籍正文后的部份。它包括附录、词汇、参考书目和索引。

    Back matter : An American term to describe those pages following the main text of a book . It may include Appendix , glossary , Bibliography and Index . End matter is the corresponding English term .