
shū ɡǎo
  • manuscript
书稿 [shū gǎo]
  • [manuscript] 著作的底稿

  1. 书稿完成太半。

    More than half of the manuscript is completed .

  2. 利平科特出版社(Lippincott)的编辑们对李说,她的书稿读起来像一连串轶事,不像小说,但是鼓励她重写。

    Editors at Lippincott told Lee that her manuscript read like a string of anecdotes , not a novel , but encouraged her to revise .

  3. 大多数合同都赋予出版商在书稿完成后进行校订的权利。

    The majority of contracts give the publisher the right to edit a book after it 's done .

  4. 当我面对困难的工作的时候,比如思考文章构思或者上百次修改书稿的时候,邪恶的屏幕会吸引我的注意力。

    When I faced difficult work , like thinking through an article idea or editing the same draft for the hundredth time , for example , a more sinister screen would draw me in .

  5. Eg.Formanyyearsshewaseditor-in-chiefoftheMoscowNews,whichshefounded.多年来,她担任由她创办的莫斯科新闻报主编。她的经纪人罗宾·韦德把书稿推荐给布卢姆斯伯里出版社的主编亚历山大·普林格,他也是英国小说家堂娜·塔特的编辑。

    Eg. Former editor-in-chief of Denver Quarterly , he now serves as poetry editor of Colorado Review .

  6. 想到的第一个示例是用来将我即将出版的书稿(TextProcessinginPython)转换成LaTeX格式的文本操作程序。

    The first example that came to mind was a text-manipulation program I use to convert drafts of my forthcoming book ( Text Processing in Python ) to LaTeX format .

  7. 书稿的校订已开始。

    The editing of the manuscript is now in hand .

  8. 书稿最后的编辑与统稿人是梅尔维纳·格林。

    The final editor and author of the manuscript is Melvena Green .

  9. 朱迪读了那本书稿的某个章节。

    And Judy read one of my chapters on that in draft form .

  10. 出版商催促作者的书稿。

    The publisher pressed the author for his book .

  11. 我不知道她也许只是想拿到书稿

    I don 't know . I think she just wants her pages .

  12. 其中有现代日本作家的原始书稿。

    It contains original manuscripts of modern Japanese writers .

  13. 科科伦带着他的书稿去见经纪人。

    Corcoran takes the book to his agent .

  14. 几家公司都愿意出版他的书稿。

    Several firms offered to publish his manuscript .

  15. 赞思读了书稿拍案叫绝。

    Zanes reads the book and cries magnificent .

  16. 医学书稿编辑中的错误浅析

    Analysis of mistake in medical books edition

  17. 我们要帮你完成你的书稿,这很重要。

    We thought it was important for us to help you get your book together .

  18. 中世纪书稿彩饰的具像派风格。

    Representational styles of medieval manuscript illumination .

  19. 古代的一些书稿人们到今天还能读。

    Ancient manuscripts are still readable .

  20. 他按时完成了书稿,但却使他的社交生活受损。

    He finished the book on time , but at the expense of his social life .

  21. 本地作者把未出版的完整书稿交给我,要我评论。

    I was handed full manuscripts of unpublished books by indigenous writers and asked to criticize them .

  22. 其外孙杨恽从小爱读外公这部尚未公开的书稿。

    Yang Yun , her son , in his childhood , liked reading his grandfather 's unopened manuscript .

  23. 书稿卖给英国的布卢母斯伯里出版社和学究书籍出版社以后,荣誉纷至沓来。

    After its sale to Bloomsbury ( UK ) and Scholastic Books , the accolades began to pile up .

  24. 我在英国的所有三位出版人对我书稿的反应都是略显惊讶,因为它们准时送达了。

    All three of my UK publishers responded to my manuscripts with mild surprise because they arrived on time .

  25. 沉潜于创作长河型的心灵的史诗&论无名氏的《无名书稿》

    An Epic of Heart Submerging in the Long River of Creation : On Anonymous Manuscript by the Anonymous Author ;

  26. 首次出版的书稿,可按略高于国内稿酬标准支付报酬;

    For manuscripts that are published for the first time , the remuneration may be slightly higher than the domestic rates .

  27. 书稿中,我称,要一台计算机在国际象棋上击败人类可能要花上一些时间。

    In the draft I stated that it would be some time before a computer could beat a human at chess .

  28. 本文对医学专业书稿中的编辑错误进行了剖析,以期进一步认识并纠正书稿中易出现的错误,从而改善和优化图书质量。

    Through analysing the editorial mistake in medical books , author hopes editors eliminate editorial mistake and improve the quality of medical literature .

  29. 长期以来,民营出版公司在发现和制作畅销书稿方面一直优于国有竞争对手,但它们的经营处在法律灰色地带。

    Private publishers have long outperformed state rivals in spotting and producing best-selling manuscripts , but they operate in a legal grey area .

  30. 这时,还是把你那些写得含糊杂乱的一页页书稿搁到一边,翻开某位小说大师,如笛福,简·奥斯汀或哈代的作品来从头读吧。

    Then turn from your blurred and littered pages to the opening pages of some great novelist - Defoe , Jane Austen , or Hardy .