
  • 网络Information Service Quality;Qo GIS
  1. CS战略&图书馆信息服务质量管理的核心

    CS Strategy : Core of Quality Management of Information Service in Library

  2. 浅议PDCA循环法在图书馆信息服务质量控制中的应用

    Discussion on the Application of PDCA Cyclic Method in Library 's Information Service Quality Control

  3. 信息服务质量评估初探对SERVQUAL方法和期望感知模型的改进

    An Improvement in the Means of SERVQUAL and the Model of Expectation-Perception

  4. 基于SERVQUAL的大学图书馆信息服务质量测评体系的研究与设计

    Study and Design on Measurement of Information Service Quality for Academic Library Based on SERVQUAL

  5. 高校知识创新中的图书馆信息服务质量评价研究

    Study on Library Information Service Quality Evaluation in University Knowledge Innovation

  6. 图书馆信息服务质量综合评价层次结构模型

    Hierarchy Model of Comprehensive Evaluation for Information Services Quality of Library

  7. 面向用户的网站信息服务质量评价体系研究

    Research on User-Oriented Appraisal Framework of Website Information Service Quality

  8. 利用虚拟化应用结构提升高校信息服务质量

    Using virtual application structure to enhance the quality of university information service

  9. 论信息服务质量的全面管理和控制

    On Overall Quality Management and Control in Information Service

  10. 提升高校图书馆信息服务质量的思考

    On Improvement of Information Service Quality of College Library

  11. 高校电子阅览室提高信息服务质量的策略

    Countermeasures for Improving the Quality of the Information Service of University E-reading Room

  12. 网格数据挖掘在信息服务质量评价中的应用

    Application of Grid Data Mining on Information Service Quality

  13. 运用服务质量差距分析模型提高图书馆信息服务质量

    Using Service Quality Gap Analysis Model to Improve Information Service Quality of Library

  14. 数字环境下图书馆信息服务质量的评价

    Evaluation on Library Information Service Quality in Digital Environment

  15. 提高信息服务质量,离不开必要的工具。

    Tools were for providing high quality IT services .

  16. 面向用户需求的信息服务质量

    Users ' Need - oriented Information Service Quality

  17. 基于数据挖掘实现信息服务质量的提升和服务形式的拓展

    Escalation of Information Service Quality and Expansion of Service Form Based on Data Mining

  18. 提高图书馆文献信息服务质量应采取的对策和措施。

    The measures and countermeasures to improve the service quality of documentary information in library .

  19. 信息服务质量评估刍议

    The Evaluation of Information Service Quality

  20. 针对不同用户的需求禾叫寺点,研究了多种不同的信息服务质量评价方法,以提高系统的应用范围,适应系统应用的层次需求。

    Some evaluation methods of information service quality are researched to meet the demands of different users .

  21. 对图书馆信息服务质量作出科学、客观、正确评价是指导和做好图书馆信息服务工作的有效措施。

    Doing scientific , objective and right evaluation is one of valid measures for library information service works .

  22. 目的加强图书馆外刊建设,提高外文信息服务质量。

    Objective To strengthen the foreign language magazine construction , and to heighten the information service quality of foreign language .

  23. 结果通过相应措施保证了外刊来源的稳定,保证了信息服务质量。

    Resu lts It ensured that the stabilization of foreign language magazine and the information service quality must be depended on some measures .

  24. 论文从图书馆信息服务质量评价方法、评价内容与指标、评价程序、评价模型等几个方面做了具体分析。

    This paper analyses the evaluation method of the quality of library information services , evaluation contents and index signs , evaluation procedure and evaluation models , etc.

  25. 本文分析了网络环境下信息服务质量评价体系的现状,研究了网络环境下信息服务质量评价体系的构建原则及其结构。

    The article analyses the actuality of an evaluation system of the information service qualities about the networked environment , and researches its design principle and its structure .

  26. 以现实为出发点,从内外部主体的角度提出提高政府信息服务质量的对策与方法。

    Taking reality as jumping-off place , come up with the measures and methods which will improve the government information service quality from the view of internal and external subject .

  27. 个性化信息服务质量的高低不仅仅取决于具体的检索技术、推荐技术,还取决于用户建模技术,而后者尤其重要。

    The quality of PIS is dependent on not only the technology of retrieval and recommend , but also the technology of user modeling , especially the latter is more important .

  28. 如何提高行业门户网站的开发利用水平,改善行业门户网站信息服务质量,是行业门户网站及其主体厄待解决的重要问题。

    How to improve the level of development and utilization of industry portal , to improve the industry portal information QOS is an industry portal and its main Eph important issues to be resolved .

  29. 指出了政府信息服务质量与政府服务质量的影响关系,并系统地分析政府信息服务质量的影响因素及影响因素的感知。

    It also points out the relationship between government information service quality and quality of government services , and systematically analyzes the impact of government information service quality factors and the perception of influencing factors .

  30. 介绍了湖南农业大学图书馆外文期刊阅览室在新形式下为提高信息服务质量开展的服务创新与实践。

    By Combination of our own work practice , the authors introduced the service innovation and practice of Foreign Periodical Reading Room in order to improve information service quality under new environment in Hunan Agricultural University library .