
  1. 我们正迎接二十一世纪的来临,我们有信心中国会更加开放,更加繁荣富强。在息息相关的国际事务上,中国会承担应有的责任,担当日益重要的角色。

    As we welcome the21st century , we are confident that China will be more open and more prosperous and will play an increasingly important and responsible role in world affairs in an interdependent global community .

  2. 不过,购股者必须抱有这样的信心:中国观影者会继续热衷于IMAX电影所带来的新鲜感。

    But buyers will have to be confident that Chinese cinema goers continue to put high value on the novelty of an Imax ticket .

  3. 而正是在这样一种不均等的文化交流环境中,来自自身文化价值上的信心给予中国观众找准理解F1赛事的基点,也成为中国电视媒介担起事件元素重新组合再生产责任的导航与契机。

    Though staying in the disparities among cultural communication environment , Chinese own cultural values give the confidence for Chinese audience to accurately understand F1 , which also would be a guide for Chinese media to take the responsibility of meaning " reproduction " .

  4. 我们有信心把中国的事情做得更好

    We are confident that we can handle china 's affairs well

  5. 信心来自中国经济发展的基本面没有改变。

    It comes from the fact that the fundamentals of China 's economy remain unchanged .

  6. 信心来自中国经济发展的长期趋势没有改变。

    Our confidence comes from the fact that the long-term trend of China 's economic development remains unchanged .

  7. 信心来自中国经济发展的优势没有改变。

    Our confidence also comes from the fact that the advantages contributing to China 's economic growth remain unchanged .

  8. 更的是,奥运会提升了民族信心,中国在世界舞台上扮演的角色越来越。

    More importantly , the Olympics have boosted national confidence as China is playing an increasingly important role in the international arena .

  9. 下面这些要素使得我们有信心在中国市场中与众不同、风格独特而鲜明。

    There are a few elements that we are convinced make us clearly different and very unique from other players in the Chinese market .

  10. 动车相撞事故已经削弱了公众对高铁的信心,中国的高铁轨道交通系统的事故可能影响到中国在国出售其高速铁路技术。

    The crash has dented confidence in China 's rail industry , which may affect the country 's ability to sell its rail technology abroad .

  11. 今年第三季度,宝马在中国的销量跃升了21%,尽管中国经济正在降温,但宝马仍有信心在中国保持强劲的增长势头。

    Sales there jumped 21 % in the third quarter , and BMW is confident it can maintain the momentum even as the Chinese economy cools .

  12. 我们有理由轻视它们,我们有把握、有信心战胜中国人民的一切内外敌人。

    We have reason to despise them and we are confident and certain that we shall defeat all the domestic and foreign enemies of the Chinese people .

  13. 他表示有信心与中国大陆达成协议,从7月份起开放两岸包机直航,同时开放大陆观光客来台湾。

    He expresses confidence that he can sign a deal with China on starting non-stop charter flights across the Strait and allow thousands of Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan from July .

  14. 我们对中国科学技术事业的前景充满信心,中国的科技事业必将获得丰硕成果,这对于人类文明和福祉将会产生积极而深远的影响。

    We are confident that China will reap a rich harvest in science and technology and that this will have positive and far-reaching effects on human civilization and the well-being of humankind .

  15. 投资者之所以未理会最近两次加息,是因为他们重新建立起了信心:中国有能力在不大幅放慢经济增长的情况下遏制通胀。

    Investors have taken the last two rate rises in their stride because of a new-found confidence that China will be able to contain inflation without slamming the brakes on economic growth .

  16. 自上月问题爆发以来,为缓解奶制品质量问题所带来的担忧,重塑消费者信心,中国采取了一系列措施。而这一通知是其最新举措。

    The notice is the latest in a series of measures China has taken to allay worries over the quality of Chinese products and restore consumer confidence since the uproar began last month .

  17. 我们有信心保持中国经济持续较快发展,这将给包括拉美和加勒比在内的世界各国带来更多商机,为世界经济增长作出更大贡献。

    We have confidence in maintaining a fairly fast growth of Chinas economy , which will bring more business opportunities to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and around the world , and make greater contribution to world economic growth .

  18. 夏季奥运会上,中国独占金牌榜首,展现了融合现代与传统的形象。带着奥运会后迸发的信心,中国面对全球金融危机时应该比世界多数地区都更有把握。

    Bursting with confidence after the summer Olympics , when it dominated the gold medals and presented an image that blended modernity with tradition , the country should be facing the global financial crisis with more assurance than pretty much anywhere else in the world .

  19. 坚定证券市场发展信心&访中国银河证券公司总裁朱利

    Strengthen the confidence in security market development

  20. 人们有理由对这一点抱有信心,因为中国遵守世贸组织裁定的记录还是不错的。

    There is reason to hope it will . The country has a reasonable record of abiding by WTO rulings .

  21. 球普遍对中国人的消费能力充满信心,而中国消费者自己可能并不这么认为。

    The world 's widespread confidence in the Chinese consumer 's ability to spend may not be shared by Chinese consumers themselves .

  22. 此外,美国军事官员认为,只有增强信心才能帮助中国融入更加稳定的国际军事界。

    Beyond that , US military officials think that only greater confidence will help integrate China into a more stable international military community .

  23. 当美国和其它各国央行寻求恢复金融市场的信心时,中国正准备把数万亿美元投入全球资产。

    While the US and other central banks seek to restore confidence in financial markets , China is preparing to unleash trillions of dollars into global assets .

  24. 此次重大事故后,王勇平表示,自己仍对中国高铁有信心,“中国高铁的技术是先进的、合格的”。

    Despite the accident , the spokesman said the ministry is still confident in China 's high-speed trains . " China 's high-speed train is advanced and qualified ," he said .

  25. 直到目前,除了美国以外,还没有几个国家有信心去抱怨中国他们担心要是惹恼了中国,中国可能干脆拂袖而去。

    Until now , few countries other than the US have had the confidence to complain about China for fear that Beijing might simply pull up stumps and leave if it gets upset .

  26. 7月份以来,主要经济数据回升,实体经济活跃,市场信心增加,中国经济呈现稳中向好走势。

    Since July , major economic indicators have rebounded , the real economy has been dynamic and market confidence has increased . The Chinese economy now enjoys a strong momentum of steady growth .

  27. 曼德尔森警告称,今年,众多中国制造产品召回事件严重损害了中国的国际声誉。他表示,重新赢得全球消费者的信任和信心必须成为中国的头等要务。

    Mr Mandelson warned that China 's international reputation had been battered this year by numerous product recalls of Chinese-made goods and said restoring global consumer trust and confidence must be the country 's top priority .

  28. 中国特色社会主义信仰就是对中国特色社会主义前途、命运持必胜的信心,坚信中国特色社会主义的奋斗目标必然实现,并为之执着追求,它是一种科学的、现实的信仰。

    Chinese socialistic faith is a realistic and scientific faith , which holds an intense confidence in the prospect and fate of Chinese socialistic faith , which adheres to the fulfillment of the struggling objective of Chinese socialism and pursues it persistently .

  29. 2001年下半年以来的市场持续低迷,说明投资者对资本市场缺乏信心,说明中国资本市场还没有形成一个正常的预期机制。

    In the last half of 2001 , the indexes of China stock market continued to go down , which indicated that the investor lacked confidence in stock market and that China had not set up a normal system to predict the stock indexes properly .

  30. 中国一直在寻求将经济增长方式转变为由内需拉动,但尼尔森(Nielsen)上周公布的一项消费者信心调查显示,中国消费者对可支配支出的意愿正在降温。

    It has been seeking to reorient its economy towards domestic consumption , but a survey of consumer confidence published by Nielsen last week indicated cooling towards discretionary spending .