
  • 网络Trust Chain;trusted chain;chain of trust
  1. 本文在TCG规范的基础上继续构建一条完整信任链,它是基于java虚拟机设计的一条从硬件到软件的完整信任链,最终实现java程序的可信执行环境。

    A whole chain of trust from hardware to software based on java virtual machine is designed , and eventually the trustworthy java application execution environment is realized .

  2. 借鉴第三方KDC密钥分发的方法,并加以简化,实现SSL密钥的协商,回避单一信任链进行认证带来的风险。

    Draw on third-party KDC key distribution method , and simplified to achieve SSL key negotiation , avoiding a single chain of trust for authentication risk . 4 .

  3. 随着数字媒介和内容的价值不断提高,需要通过安全的drm信任链管理授权内容的使用。

    The increasing value of digital media and content requires a secure DRM chain of trust to administer the use of licensed content .

  4. 论文的可重用证书方案将以PKI下单个证书服务系统的改进和优化为重点,继承PKI服务器间现有的信任链结构和网络互联模型。

    The reusable public-key certificate scheme will focus on improvement and optimization of the individual certificate server system , and inherit existing trust chain and network interconnection model .

  5. 基于TCG规范信任链的无干扰特性建模

    Non-interference Property Modeling With TCG Trusted Chain

  6. 最后建立了Vista的代码完整性验证功能模型、信任链功能模型以及全卷加密安全存储功能模型,实现了本文的研究目标。

    Finally , the functional models of code integrity validation in Vista , the trusted chain and Full Volume Encryption security storage are established . The thesis aim is achieved .

  7. 可信计算机的核心部件是可信计算平台模块(TPM),文章介绍了关于TPM的体系结构、使用、平台证实等内容,并对可信计算平台的信任链及其安全引导进行了分析。

    In this paper , we introduce the architecture and the component of TPM , the application of TPM and the authentication of platform . Furthermore , we analyze trusted chain and the safe lead of Trusted computing platform .

  8. 因为在信任链上已经没有更高级别了。

    There are no more levels on the trust chain .

  9. 基于标记变迁系统的可信计算平台信任链测试

    Testing on Trust Chain of Trusted Computing Platform Based on Labeled Transition System

  10. 信任链发现是信任管理的主要内容。

    Trust chain discovery is the main focus of the trust management system .

  11. 信任链在科技型企业家社会网络中的作用机理诠释

    Annotations on the functional mechanism of Trust Chain

  12. 信任链体现不同企业家个体间的交互作用,其实质是信任流动。

    Trust Chain reflects the mutual functions between different entrepreneurs , whose essence is flowing of trust .

  13. 其中一种是基于信任链的绑定更新认证协议。

    One protocol for authenticating Mobile IPv6 correspondent node binding update is Trust Chain Based Binding Update Authentication Protocol .

  14. 通过实际测试,验证了该信任链系统具备的可信属性。

    After the chain of trust system is tested under real environment , the trustworthy of this system is proved .

  15. 如何将信任链由操作系统传递到应用软件,必须建立起一种应对应用程序多样性的度量策略。

    That how to transmit the trust link from operating system to application software need to build a measure strategy .

  16. 在这种情况中,信任链和证书中的通用名可以防止中间人攻击的发生。

    This is where the chain of trust and the common name on a certificate can prevent this from occurring .

  17. 这里要记住的一点是所有这些证书和签名都简单地用来形成一个信任链。

    One thing to keep in mind here is that all these certificates and signatures were simply used to form a trust chain .

  18. 这种过程的稳定性和单向性使得在信任链传递中可信度量的参考标准数据易于实现。

    This kind of process is stable and unidirectional . It is not hard to carry out the standard reference data of credible measure in measure process .

  19. 现有的研究将虚拟机监控器作为信任链中的一环,这使现有的操作系统无法支持应用程序级的完整性度量和认证。

    Most existing research work consider virtual machine monitor ( VMM ) as part of trust chain . As a result , existing operating systems cannot support application-level integrity protection .

  20. 再建立一条信任链,从信任根开始,一级认证一级,一级信任一级,从而把这种信任扩展到整个可信计算领域。

    Then setting up a trust chain , from trust root , it can authenticate and trust stair from one to another , and expand this kind of trust to the whole trusted compute field .

  21. 该身份认证体系采用卡内比对的方式完成指纹模板的比对,创建电子政务平台中以人为源头的信任链。

    The fashion of comparison in card ( or key ) is adopted to complete the contrast about fingerprint template , and the trust chain in E-government trust platform is set up by people as fundamental .

  22. 基于SkipGraph的P2P覆盖网信任证链发现

    Skip Graph-based Credential Chain Discovery on P2P Overlay Network

  23. 要创建和配置信任服务链,请在TivoliFederatedIdentityManager的管理控制台中完成下面的步骤

    To create and configure trust service chains , complete the following steps from the administrative console of the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager

  24. 在本文中,您将配置一个TivoliFederatedIdentityManager信任服务链,通过不记名主体确认(bearersubjectconfirmation)功能发放SAML令牌。

    In this article , you 'll configure a Tivoli Federated Identity Manager trust service chain to issue SAML tokens using bearer subject confirmation .

  25. 本文展示了客户端和提供者所需的策略集和绑定,以及发放SAML令牌所需的TivoliFederatedIdentityManager信任服务链配置。

    The article presents the policy sets and bindings required for the client and provider , as well as the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager trust service chain configuration needed to issue a SAML token .

  26. 验证信任服务链模块中的实例的顺序是否正确。

    Verify the order of the instances in the trust service chain modules is correct .

  27. 客户端检查证书链是否有效,以及是否信任证书链中的根证书。

    The client checks that the chain is valid and that it trusts the root certificate in the chain .

  28. 制度信任与供应链协作信任、合作意图之间的动态差异性关系研究

    Study on the Dynamic Differential Relationship between Institution-based Trust , Collaboration Trust , and Cooperation Intention in Supply Chain

  29. 研究提出了一个描述基于制度的信任与供应链协作信任之间关系的综合理论模型。

    A synthesized theory model which describes the relationships between supply chain collaboration trust and institution-based trust is proposed .

  30. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示在跳过用于验证信任的证书链遍历时是否加密信道。

    Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the channel will be encrypted while bypassing walking the certificate chain to validate trust .