
  • 网络ART FAIR;pinta
  1. 一个月后,首届海湾艺术博览会(DIFCGulfArtFair)在一家豪华度假酒店举办,有41家国际性画廊参展。

    A month later , the inaugural DIFC Gulf Art Fair hosted 41 international galleries in a plush hotel resort .

  2. 一年一度的伦敦Frieze艺术博览会在刚刚过去的周末举行,对艺术品市场来说这是一个怪异的时刻。

    The annual London Frieze Art Fair kicked off this week at an odd time for the art market .

  3. 与所有文化机构一样,画廊和艺术博览会正在适应新的现实

    Like all cultural institutions , galleries and art fairs are adapting to a new reality

  4. 亚洲最大的当代艺术博览会——香港巴塞尔艺术展因covid19而被取消,但任何上周计划参观的人都可以享受一个实验性的替代选择:播映室。

    Art Basel Hong Kong , Asia ’ s biggest contemporary-art fair , was cancelled because of covid-19 , but anyone who had planned to visit last week could enjoy an experimental alternative : the viewing room .

  5. 亿万富豪们飞往巴塞尔迈阿密海滩艺术博览会(ArtBaselMiamiBeach),从大型画廊购进作品,私人银行家们告诉客户要提高资产配置多样性,增加艺术品配置;

    Billionaires fly to Art Basel Miami Beach to buy from big galleries , private bankers tell clients to diversify into art ;

  6. 瑞士//巴塞尔艺术博览会(ArtBasel)可能已落幕许久,但由于巴塞尔坐拥众多博物馆,这座瑞士城市的文化景观得以很好地延展至秋季。

    SWITZERLAND / / Art Basel may be long over , but this Swiss city 's cultural scene hums well into fall thanks to its museums .

  7. 6月中旬爱马仕在巴塞尔艺术博览会(ArtBasel)上推出了这批140厘米长的方巾,官网售价7000欧元(约合8820美元)。

    Since mid-June , when the French luxury brand unveiled the 140-centimeter-square scarves at Art Basel , it has been selling them online for 7,000 ( about $ 8,820 ) .

  8. 两处的巴塞尔艺术博览会都隶属于瑞士的会议中心与会展管理集团mchmesseschweiz。

    Both Art Basel fairs are owned by MCH Messe Schweiz , the Swiss convention centre and event management group .

  9. 举个例子,今年3月,会员除了参观科尔内特戴榭尔拍卖行(cornettedesaintcyr)外,还参观了在巴黎举办的艺术博览会。

    In March , for instance , participants visited art fairs in the French capital , as well as the cornette de Saint Cyr auction house .

  10. 特威迪表示,文化俱乐部会员将从“有钱没时间”的商业人士中选取,他们会参加斐列兹(frieze)或巴塞尔(artbasel)等艺术博览会,但并不总是知道如何捐赠。

    Mr Tweedy said that culture house members would be drawn from the same pool of " cash-rich , time-poor " business figures who attend art fairs such as frieze or Art Basel but who did not always know how to give .

  11. 2000年,参加“意大利PADOVA中国当代绘画展”和“意大利PADOVA国际艺术博览会”。

    In2000 , his artworks were showed in " the Chinese contemporary artwork exhibition in PADOVA of Italian " .

  12. 10月有Frieze与FIAC艺术博览会,11月,佳士得、苏富比和菲利普斯拍卖行都将在纽约举行期间拍卖会,在这些活动中,关注的焦点很可能集中在那些超级富翁是否还愿意斥资百万,购买战后与当代艺术品。

    At the Frieze and FIAC fairs in October and at Christie 's , Sotheby 's and Phillips 's flagship auctions in New York in November , much attention is likely to be focused on whether the ultra-rich still want to spend millions on postwar and contemporary art .

  13. 下周,伦敦的斐列兹当代艺术博览会将要开幕。

    Next week , the London Contemporary Art Fair frieze opens .

  14. 连续几年参加北京,上海中国艺术博览会。

    He took part in exhibitions held in Shanghai and Beijing .

  15. 举办第十届国际艺术博览会发展论坛北京峰会,本次组委会将邀请?

    Hold Tenth International Art Exposition Development Beijing Director Forum .

  16. 年参加北京艺术博览会,作品深受好评。

    In2009 in Beijing art fair , works have been well received .

  17. 2001年,参加“意大利巴里国际艺术博览会”。

    In2001 his artworks joined " the Italian Bary international art exposition " .

  18. 中国艺术博览会中国文化部主办;

    China Art Expo , Culture Ministry of China ;

  19. 难怪这个地方被称为“世界建筑艺术博览会”。

    No wonder this place is called " Exhibition of World Architectural Art " .

  20. 今天上午参加了上海艺术博览会,采撷了奇葩与大家分享。

    This morning I attended the Shanghai Art Fair and took some pictures to share with you .

  21. 如果你能注意到整个伦敦城是如何的以斐列兹艺术博览会为中心,你就会发现它的影响力。

    If you look at how the city of London rallies around Frieze , you can see its influence .

  22. :尽量多看&参观画廊、博物馆、艺术博览会或者在网上浏览。

    Go see as much as you can & at galleries , museums and art fairs and by trolling online .

  23. 1982年生的李博毕业于中央美术学院壁画系,08年于西班牙艺术博览会及伦敦画廊展出造成空前的回响。

    Libo was born in1982 , and graduated from the department of murals at China Central Academy of Fine Art .

  24. 艺术博览会能让你在最短的时间内看到最多画廊和交易商。

    Art fairs make it possible to see the maximum number of galleries and dealers in the minimum amount of time .

  25. 展位情况如有调整,最终解释权归属中国国际装饰艺术博览会组委会。

    Final explanation right belongs to the Organizing Committee of China International decorating art fair if there is an adjustment of booths .

  26. 大卫雷斯特推出了他对于明年夏天奥林匹亚博览会(现在已被誉为伦敦国际艺术博览会)的新计划。

    David Lester has unveiled his new plans for next year 's summer Olympia , now branded the London International Fine Art Fair .

  27. 他曾连续六年参加中国艺术博览会,被公认为当今最著名的北京画家之一。

    He has participated in the China Art Exposition for six consecutive years , and is considered one of the most renowned Beijing artists .

  28. 小组的作品主要以干预的方式出现在媒体杂志,艺术博览会和艺术节当中。

    The group has organized interventions in printed magazines , art fairs and performance festivals , performed in nightclubs and has a formative online following .

  29. 在今年的上海当代艺术博览会上,艺术热爱者同时也是外语频道的主持人潘小瓅,采访了世界顶尖的艺术品收藏家。

    Pan Xiaoli , art lover and ICS anchor interviewed some of the world 's leading collectors at this year 's SH Contemporary art fair .

  30. 作品曾多次参加国内外展览及中国艺术博览会,曾获第二届中国静物油画展二等奖。

    Took part in exhibitions national and international many times , and China Art Expos.the2nd Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition of Still Life ( winner of the2nd prize ) .