
  1. 论艺术变形的魅力

    Discussion on The Beauty And Strength of the Art of Distortion

  2. 试论西方现代派的艺术变形

    On the Art of Deformation in Western Modernism

  3. 艺术变形的实质是主体意识对客观外物进行有目的的艺术加工从而使其具有鲜明的主观色彩并体现出作家的创作个性。

    It is the essence of artistic deformation that subject consciousness purposely processes objects so as to make them possess a sharp subjective flavor and reflect the individuality of a writer 's writing .

  4. 西方现代派的“艺术变形”已从西方传统文学单纯的、局部的表现技巧上升为一种自觉的、带整体性的创作理念,渗透于文学创作的全过程;

    The art of deformation in western modernism has been changed , from the traditional technique of literary expression , into a conscious , holistic theory , which permeates the whole process of literary creation .

  5. 这种动物纹样,是经过高度艺术夸张变形而刻划出来的。纹样衬托出一种狰狞、神秘、威严的气氛。

    The animal figures are portrayed with artistic exaggeration and create a ferocious , mysterious and dignified mood .

  6. 论原始艺术中抽象变形的装饰美

    On the decorative beauty of the abstract transfiguration in the primitive art

  7. 本文论述了艺术创作中变形与生活真实的关系,论证了变形是艺术反映生活的一种普遍现象,是对审美主体创作者主观感受的一种强化,也是艺术反映现实生活特有的方式。

    This paper discusses the relationship of artistic " transformation " and real life , and holds that " transfor-mation " is a common phenomenon for art to reflect life , and a reinforcement of aesthetic creator .

  8. 文章从艺术的情感变形表现手法,知觉的情感变形表现,想象的情感变形表现,意象的情感变形表现四个方面论述了诗歌意境的情感变形,从心理学的角度作了分析。

    This paper discusses the artistic conceptional emotion in poems from the following three aspects of the expressive technique of artistic emotional deformation , conscious emotional deformed expression and imaginative emotional deformed expression , and views and analysises it from a view-point of psychology .

  9. 之后是从写实的艺术语言、夸张变形的艺术手法、装饰表现手法的角度对作品和画家进行分析与归纳。

    Followed from the realistic art of language , exaggeration and distortion of art practices , the point of view of the decorative technique of expression of works and artists are analyzed and summarized .