
  • 网络Art and Design;ART & DESIGN;Art&Design
  1. 他毕业于中央艺术与设计学院(centralschoolofartanddesign),在1969年成立了自己的工业设计工作室。

    He graduated from the Central School of art and design and in 1969 set up his own industrial design studio .

  2. 这场展览通过安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)、查尔斯·埃姆斯(CharlesEames)和乔治·内尔松(GeorgeNelson)等艺术家的作品探索波普艺术与设计的关系。

    The relationship between Pop Art and design is explored in works by Andy Warhol , Charles Eames and George Nelson , among others .

  3. 另一个人气大涨的专业是创意艺术与设计。

    Another large absolute increase can be found in Creative Arts & Design degrees .

  4. 第五、第六和第七名分别是创意艺术与设计(17万8415个学位)、工程与技术(16万4975个学位)和教育学(14万5445个学位),这三者的热度差别不大。

    The 5th , 6th and 7th are respectively Creative Arts & Design ( 178415 ) , Engineering & Technology ( 164975 ) and Education ( 145445 ) , and the differences among them are similar .

  5. 英国高等教育统计局将其归功于非全日制学生数量的增多,2015-2016学年和2016-2017学年攻读创意艺术与设计专业的学生增加了19%。

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency attributes this popularity to the increase in part-time students , among which there was a 19 % increase in students studying Creative Arts & Design between 2015 / 16 and 2016 / 17 .

  6. 艺术与设计博物馆(MuseumofArtsandDesign),至明年2月7日。

    Oct. 20-Feb. 7 , Museum of Arts and Design .

  7. 随着计算机的日益普及,计算机图形(computergraphics,简称CG)处理技术迅猛发展,并快速的渗透到艺术与设计领域,以及我们生活的各个方面。

    With the popularity of the computers , the technique of Computer Graphics ( CG ) is rapidly developed , and permeates into the realm of art and design , and even into each aspect of our lives .

  8. 巴拉德语三年前毕业于中央圣马丁(艺术与设计学院),所修美术专业。他称自己在罗伯特大街“Walker'sTailor”举办的展览是有风险的。

    Ballard , who graduated in fine arts from Central Saint Martins three years ago , admits that putting on the show at Walker 's Tailor , Robert Street , is risky .

  9. 后来周女士觉得自己对时装比对电影更感兴趣,于是来到奥蒂斯艺术与设计学院学习,当她还是学生,还在自家公寓办公的时候,就开始给尼曼(NeimanMarcus)的买手寄自己的小批时装系列了。

    Deciding that she was more interested in fashion than film , Mrs. Chow enrolled in Otis College of Art and Design and , while still a student and working from her apartment , sent a little collection of clothes to a buyer for Neiman Marcus .

  10. 论中国传统艺术与设计的和文化底蕴

    On Harmony Cultural Inside Information of Chinese Traditional Art and Design

  11. 深圳大学艺术与设计学院教师作品选

    Work Selection by Teachers of Art Design College of Shenzhen University

  12. 绘画艺术与设计艺术是美术领域的两大分支。

    Painting art and design art are the two branches of art .

  13. 艺术与设计学科的教学绩效及其评价

    The Teaching Effect and Evaluation of the Discipline of Art and Design

  14. 造型艺术与设计文化中的艺术设计表现

    The Plastic Art and the Artistic Expression in Design Culture

  15. 几何抽象现代艺术与设计的源流

    Abstract and Geometrical & Origin of Modern Art and Design

  16. 男:那为什么选艺术与设计呢?

    M : Then what about the art and design ?

  17. 面向艺术与设计虚拟人技术比较研究

    Comparative Study on Virtual Human Techniques for Art and Design

  18. 从包豪斯重新认识艺术与设计的关系

    From the Bauhaus Re-Understanding the Relationship Between Art and Design

  19. 材料在艺术与设计的发展中起到了不容质疑的作用。

    Materials play an important role in the development of art and design .

  20. 欢迎来到我们伯明翰艺术与设计学院。

    Congratulations to AIVA from Birmingham Institute of Art and Design ( BIAD ) .

  21. 数字化艺术与设计研究进展

    State-of-the-art of Research on Digital Art and Design

  22. 1997年堪萨斯大学,陶瓷艺术与设计,美术硕士。

    1997 m.f.a.ceramic art and design university of .

  23. 艺术与设计作品的包装

    Package of the Works of Art and Design

  24. 他俩在斯图加特的国立艺术与设计学院学习时相识。

    Both met while studying at State Academy of Art and Design in Stuttgart .

  25. 浅析书法艺术与设计艺术中的布白

    An Brief Analysis of " Cloth Blank " of Calligraphy Art and Design Art

  26. 近代装饰艺术与设计的影响和意义

    The Impact and Significance of Modern decorative Art and Design in the Construction Industry

  27. 艺术与设计意念如何使城市、世界与生活变得美好?

    How art and design ideas make cities , livings and the world beautiful ?

  28. 走向视觉和谐的黄金时代&论艺术与设计中视觉信息的传播

    Towards the Golden Age of Visual Harmony

  29. 汕头大学长江艺术与设计学院学生作品选

    Work Selection from Teachers of Cheung Kong School of Art & Design of Shantou University

  30. 当今,艺术与设计的界限正在逐渐模糊。

    Today , the demarcation line between art and design become more and more blurred .